In conclusion, I declare the following:(see full text
(ANYONE is defined as either an elected Republican or a Republican candidate)
Whereas ANYONE, who pushes for amnesty for illegal aliens is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE, who pushes for cap-and-trade is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE, who pushes for Romneycare, Obamacare, Medicare Part D, or any of the other un-Constitutional Federal health care schemes is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE, who pushes for Federal control over education is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE, who pushes for Federal take-over is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE, who is unwilling to repeal Roe v. Wade is a RINO
Whereas Anyone who pushes abortion is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE who fails to investigate and prosecute those who are involved in corruption is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE, who pushes for Big Government bailouts, takeovers, and stimulus give-aways is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE who pushes gay marriage is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE who refuses to defend our nation is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE who refuses to secure our nation is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE who refuses to secure our borders is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE who fails to secure our God-given unalienable rights is a RINO
Whereas ANYONE who fails to abide by the constitution is a RINO
And will not be supported by Conservatives.
Hi AuntB! I sent you a freepmail...thanks so much for the link. This thread is VERY informative. I’m adding a link to it on the Free Republic’s Rino Free America Project help spread the word.