Translation: “Disregard the will of the electorate, the rule of law, and the Honduran constitution. Vote to restore Zelaya to power and give his supporters sufficient seats in the Honduran Congress to guarantee his passage of a referendum making him President for life.”
The Obama administration is so anti-democracy and anti-freedom it is freaky.
They'll get right on it just as soon as we depose our British born Indonesian impostor illegally impersonating a US CITIZEN!
Why does Honduras need aid from the international community? Is it because tourism is down? Can they not buck up and be self supporting for a time until Obama is out, capitalism is back, the economy flourishes and so does tourism?
Sarah Palin needs to speak to this situation. Sarah has been charitable toward Hillary, but she need to come out and verbally defend Honduras. This situation has gone on too long and Obama has already embarrassed our country over the situation.
He's been punked big time. They will vote and vote NO. GAME OVER! ROFLOL!
Socialist thugs Obama and Chavez can shove it.
all the meddling we get accused of in the world and nary a peep on the most blatant meddling and near colonialism we’ve seen in forever.
While we were asleep at the wheel, the liberals infiltrated our schools, accomplished their dumbing down and taught a generation of young people to live off the government teat.
When we did have control, the opportunity was trashed by infighting and so we accomplished nothing but making ourselves look like idiots and at the same time alienating a percentage of the swing voters that we need. (no flames please..thats just my opinion and we all know what opinions are like)
I just hope it is possible to undo the wreckage Zero and his thugs cause when we get back control of the government from their treasonous clutches.
Let the parliament vote today, then, and get over with Zelaya issue. There are more votes against him, anyway, no?
Obama wants Zelaya back. The more leftist leaders, the better. He wants the world to be a socialist paradise - there’s an oxymoron for you.
I love how if this was the other way around, meaning that a right leaning President was kicked out for a leftist, and President Bush had been opposed and called for the restoration of the right leaning President, the libs would have been screaming their heads off about America meddling in the affairs of other countries. You hear nothing out of them now since it is their agenda that Obama is meddling in favor of.
Before the election, the United States tried and failed to have Zelaya reinstated. Its support of the election upset many Latin American nations, including powerful Brazil, which called Sunday's vote invalid.
Deborah Charles should be permanently barred from journalism.
Honduras, don’t pay any attention to the jerks in Washington.