having read the books and seen both movies i disagree that that’s why it becomes so popular. they are engaging, period. freedom is a conservative value. i believe that we should be able to see and read what we like. so long as you parent your child properly they will be unscathed. so we should censor what should be written/seen because of those who fail to parent? what sort of free society is that? i don’t want anyone dictating what i can read or see based on their values, because in all likelihood it will be the liberals who attempt to decide for me.
Whoa! Stop. the. bus.
Where did I say ANYTHING about censorship? Just because it’s not for my family that does not mean I advocate it be banned. I think it’s crap, my kids think it’s crap. Period. But so are a lot of books out there right now.
All I said is that obsession with undead critters/humans is morbid and sick.
My home has rules for decency...I’m sure yours does too. What I was saying about parenting is that too many folks just let the media raise their kids for the most part once they get to the difficult years. (tweens and up) They let their kids watch and read whatever just because it’s “popular” and “all their friends are doing it”. Those are the parents I’m steamed about. Garbage in/garbage out.
Books of this sort are not to my liking...nor my girls.
(Thank God!)
Ok, so you enjoyed the books and films...groovy.
I just don’t want to flip them my dime...and that is also my freedom to do so.
: )
Have a nice day