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Al Gore Photoshops Hurricanes Into New Book's Cover ^
| 11-19-09
| Noel Sheppard
Posted on 11/19/2009 12:47:26 PM PST by Justaham
The cover of Nobel Laureate Al Gore's new book "Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis" was intentionally doctored to exaggerate the appearance of hurricanes in the northern hemisphere as well as reduce the amount of ice present in the Arctic.
Maybe even more ominously, Florida was so diminished it's almost totally gone.
As reported by Florida State University hurricane expert Ryan Maue at the website Watts Up With That, the truth was apparently inconvenient for the Global Warmingist-in-Chief (h/t NBer Blonde):
The cover opens and closes half and half - so you only see one in the press release photo or the one on Amazon.
But this is the real picture sequence from the book which I looked at Borders today and took cell-phone pictures, original (before the retouching by some "artist") Note all of the Arctic ice and the size of the Florida Peninsula...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Business/Economy; Extended News; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: agitprop; algore; algoreisnotmygod; algorelies; carboncredits; criminalconspiracy; criminals; democratlies; democrats; fakephotos; fakes; fauxtography; globalwarming; globalwarmingscare; junkscience; mythmaking; ourchoice; photoshop; ponzischeme; propaganda; pseudoscience; starkravingsocialism; triumphofthewill2; waronerror
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To: Justaham
posted on
11/19/2009 1:20:20 PM PST
To: sniper63
“One saving grace about his Theory is that Castro will be gone along with Cuba.....”
Obama needs to thank AlGore for finally getting rid of Gitmo. See AGW does have an upside for some.
To: sharkhawk
Just as the doomsday footage in An Inconvenient Truth and Ted Danson ranting 25 years ago that our oceans would be dead within 20 years were just mere hyperbole.
posted on
11/19/2009 1:32:08 PM PST
a fool in paradise
(I refuse to "reduce my carbon footprint" all while Lenin remains in an airconditioned shrine)
To: a fool in paradise
He has Panama completely flooded out. Do these idiots have any idea how tall those mountains are. If the sea was tall enough to over top the mountains in Panama the whole Mississippi valley would be flooded. Denver would be beach front property.
Not only are these people ignorant of climate, thermodynamics, and geology. It now turns out they can't read a topographical map.
posted on
11/19/2009 1:40:56 PM PST
(There are millions of paranoid people in the world, and they are all out to get me.)
To: Justaham well as reduce the amount of ice present in the Arctic. What's ironic is that the amount of Arctic ice (sea ice) has absolutely no effect on sea levels, because it's already floating. When it melts, it is exactly the same amount of water as the amount displaced while it is frozen.
Archimedes figured this out over 2,000 years ago, but our current generation of AGW idiots still doesn't understand it.
posted on
11/19/2009 1:47:17 PM PST
(When Obama succeeds, America fails.)
To: a fool in paradise
Looks like North America got a whole lot more brown too. So we are to expect that there will be more storms, more water, and less rain? Which one is it Al, you thinking man you?
posted on
11/19/2009 1:50:28 PM PST
(My government has named me an extremist)
To: Justaham
I hope this huckster’s carbon credit scam goes bankrupt.
posted on
11/19/2009 1:59:43 PM PST
(Yes, we disagree - no, we won't shut up - no, we won't quit.)
To: Justaham
He did not even edit the coastlines based on elevation. Ain’t no way Baja california is going to be gone but SE TX and most of LA will be mostly intact.
posted on
11/19/2009 2:30:46 PM PST
To: Justaham; Genesis defender; markomalley; scripter; proud_yank; grey_whiskers; FrPR; ...
Tongue-in-cheek $500 challenge for Al Gore to debate Lord Monckton (video produced by CEI, length = 2:17)
Click image to launch: "Why Won't Al Gore Debate?" |
Beam me to Planet Gore !
posted on
11/19/2009 4:36:57 PM PST
(Limit all U.S. politicians to two terms: One in office and one in prison!)
To: Justaham
Gore's Lying photo and the REAL world.
posted on
11/19/2009 4:48:52 PM PST
(Townhalls ..."We have seen the Patriots and they are us")
To: GreyFriar
Florida is shown as above water although Cuba is covered by it because whoever falsified the picture didn’t know anything about sea levels — or hurricanes.
posted on
11/19/2009 6:35:40 PM PST
To: rface
What a laugh this photo is. The storm offshore Florida is rotating backwards.
posted on
11/19/2009 6:37:53 PM PST
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