Didnt Newt win the house and senate with a repub in the white house and didnt they accomplish nothing. I know they got welfare reform through but that was just reform. Worked for a coupke of years but whatever happenend to that? Wait what happened to ridding ourselves of the NEA?
Sorry I meant the dept of eduction.
NEA, NPR, PBS, DoE... you got the ball rolling and you’re damn right. Instead we actually doubled the DoE budget in Bush’s first four years.
Newt help change Congress to Republican in 1994, two years into Clinton’s term. They rammed welfare reform down this throat and he obliged by taking credit for pushing it through. The Dems to this day credit him for being a fiscal Conservative, even though he had no choice and didn’t lift a finger to help pass it. He did sign it.
Then it was slumber time when Bush came along. They let him spend like a drunken sailor, not a word.
I believe that was Wild Bill Clinton. As I recall Newt was never in office with a Pubbie President.