Posted on 11/07/2009 3:57:27 AM PST by Scanian
Disturbing new details surfaced yesterday about the deranged Fort Hood gunman and his methodical mass murder plot, which survivors say began with him screaming "Allahu akbar," before he fired more than 100 rounds at his fellow soldiers.
The mystery of how Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, failed to draw concern from military brass before the attack -- despite trying to leave the Army for months, denouncing the war on terror and saying he was "a Muslim first and an American second" -- deepened as families prepared to bury his 13 victims.
Some of the 23 people still hospitalized -- out of 38 wounded in the rampage -- have extremely serious injuries and may not survive
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find only things evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelogus
If he were kicked out for denouncing the war, he’d have a book deal, which would be subtitled something like “How One Loyal Soldier Was Cashiered For Speaking His Mind” and would appear on Oprah and receive applause while he talked about his great love for this country and its giving him freedom to express himself, even if it goes against the military brass.
...if they start with PC, IT will read like the print on a pencil
I am thinking the signs weren’t missed so much as not reported or escalated out of fear.
I’ve read his peers in psychiatry openly discussed the possibility he was a terrorist after he gave a lecture justifying suicide bombing with the Koran (in a forum where psychiatric topics are expected to be discussed).
I think people are afraid of lawsuits and their employer punishing them if they speak out.
To protect civilization from atrocity loving islam, we have to change laws to protect citizens who report on possible terrorists.
There is a difference between a “missed sign” and a “not acted upon sign”.
The signs were there - they were not acted upon because of PC.
This was caused by political correctness, diversity, and cultural sensitivity! If a white officer had been going around saying the things Hasan said for YEARS, he would have been out on the street long ago.
But, you can’t offend the Religion of Peace, can you?
The signs were not missed. They were deliberately suppressed and ignored so as to not “offend” the delicate sensibilities of those who favor slicing Jewish necks while chanting religious ditties and filming the ceremony and broadcasting it on the internet for fellow death culters to enjoy while eating halal popcorn.
Lt. Col Ralph Peters on O'Reilly last night
Somebody gets it and Ralph is on fire, pissed as I've seen anyone about this attack and does not mince words:
Par: "This is the second worst Islamic Terrorist Attack since 9/11."
Watch him take on the US Army, the State-Run Media, and especially, Commander-in-Least, O'Bozzo
Pass it around. Its a keeper!!!
Army Major (Hasan) Played Role in Presidential Transition
As before the 911 Atrocities (now Natural tragedies),
the Islamic terrorist community forewarned everyone exactly what
was coming in the handy calendar a year in advance.
No one in Congress ever cared, then, after 911, or now.
Instead, they have tirelessly worked to have taxpayers pay to let more terrorists in.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same,
or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children
and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
President Ronald Reagan
There are plenty of colors in between white and black. Whether Hasan was hispanic, asian, native american, arab, or black wouldn’t matter. The PC response would be the same—”it’s just a cultural difference. Don’t say anything to offend him or do anything to create an EEO complaint!” Only a white employee (i.e. European) exhibiting his pattern of behavior would be called out for it.
“Ft. Hood probers ponder missed signs”
The signs were not missed,rather, the dictates of PC required that they be ignored. So they were. So they will continue to be.
I just hate stupid people.
They should have to wear signs that just say I’m stupid.
That way you wouldn’t rely on them, would you?
You wouldn’t ask them anything. It would be like, “Excuse me...oops,
never mind”
“I didn’t see your sign.”
It’s like before my wife and I moved from Texas to California our house
was full
of boxes and there was a u-Haul truck in our driveway.
My friend comes over and says, “Hey, You moving?”
“We just pack our stuff up once or twice a week. Just to see how many
boxes it takes.”
“Here’s your sign.”
Why can’t they get the picture? Why don’t they understand?
We’re not dealing with the planet of apes, we’re talking about the
modern man.
So you people with them itsy bitsy teensie weensie tiny minds...
Here’s your sign. Here’s your sign.
A couple of months ago I went fishing with a buddy of mine, we pulled
his boat
into the dock, I lifted up this big ‘ol stringer of bass this idiot on
the dock
goes, “Hey, yall catch all them fish?”
“Talked ‘em into giving up.”
“Here’s your sign.”
I was out in the front yard with my boy the other day and he was
playing with his little friend, and he hit his friend and I went up to
and I said “Hey, (smacks his boy), we don’t hit.” He looked up at me
like, “Here’s your sign, dad.”
Why can’t they get the picture? Why don’t they understand?
We’re not dealing with the planet of apes, we’re talking about the
modern man.
So you people with them itsy bitsy teensie weensie tiny minds...
Here’s your sign. Here’s your sign.
I was watching one of those animal shows on the Discovery Channel, there
was a guy
inventing a shark bite suit. There’s only one way to test that.
“Alright Jimmy, you got that shark suit on, it looks good... They want
you to jump
into this pool of sharks, and you tell us if it hurts when they bite
“Well allright....hold my sign, I don’t wanna loose it”
Why can’t they get the picture? Why don’t they understand?
We’re not dealing with the planet of apes, we’re talking about the
modern man.
So you people with them itsy bitsy teensie weensie tiny minds...
Here’s your sign. Here’s your sign.
Last time I was home I was driving around I had a flat tire, I pulled my
truck into one
of these side-of-the-road gas statioons, the attendant walks out, looks
at my truck,
looks at me, I swear to GOD he went, “Tire go flat?”
I couldn’t resist.
I said “Nope”.
“No I was driving around and those other three just swelled right up on
“Here’s your sign.”
Why can’t they get the picture? Why don’t they understand?
We’re not dealing with the planet of apes, we’re talking about the
modern man.
So you people with them itsy bitsy teensie weensie tiny minds...
People with them little bitty teenie weenie tiny monds...
Here’s your sign.
We were trying to sell our car about a year ago, a guy come over to the
house, drove the
car around for about 45 minutes. We get back to the house, he gets out
of the car, reaches down
and grabs the exhaust pipe, then goes, “Damn thats hot!”
If he’d been wearing his sign, I could have stopped him.
Booting that nutjob from Walter Reed to Ft. Hood reminds me of the Church moving perverted priests from one parish to another. WHEN YOU’VE GOT A PROBLEM, DEAL WITH IT! Don’t just pass the buck and make it someone else’s problem.
Cowardly and indecisive leadership will be the ruin of us all.
There you go - he could have toured with somebody like Scott McClellan and made big bucks knocking Bush and American foreign policy.
Thanks for your post.
I had not seen the 1983 article....but am totally not surprised.
Unfortunately Zero is going to Ft. Hood.
Wonder if the soldiers there will find creative ways to not show respect. I realize they risk problems if they do that.....I wonder if the brass will force them all to be in attendance whenever zero appears.....I hope not.
There were no missed signs. They were ignored signs. The signs will continue to be ignored and the worshippers of allah will continue to get bolder. Until someone miles away from a major city in the u.S. looks up and aske,”Look at that funny looking cloud over_________.”
There's been no announcement to that effect.
Perfectly stated summary.
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