Thank goodness that Kathy got in touch.
I had forgotten that El Gato worked there, too!
I hope they string this freak up by his thumbs!...but “they” won’t.
From El Gato:
Elgato you safe down there?
Safe and sound, although a bit warm. More on that later. Locked in at the moment. I was actually off post when it went down, but they hadn’t locked down my part of the post until after I’d returned. I only went back because my phone was on my desk, and I don’t have a land line. Knew wife and others would be “upset” if they called, which they did, and I didn’t answer. Fortunately office mates answered, since they had tried to call me and the phone rang in between the two of them.
Stopped by the house to let the mutt out, and took the time to get the carbine out, and to remove the FMJs from the gun I’d taken to the shoot and replace then with JHPs.
Unfortunately, the good guys are banned from having weapons on post, under most circumstances. So they are still at home. I really thought I would not be able to get back on, and intended to just go back to the house, and email folks telling them where I was and that I was OK.
Thanks for asking.