I’m with both of you.
geo-chronometers do not allow for old earth.
Have a blessed Sunday
Please explain?
This is an example of the sick data creationists are putting on the web. This is sort of like the old line where the sun couldn’t be older than 6000 years because it would burn out in only a few thousand years. I think the YECers have finally dropped that one. Don’t you agree that the below is really OTTT and totally discounted by present observations and theories?
1) Rate of cooling of the earths crust, heat of the interior, and temperature of space
The earths crust is about 12 miles thick on average. In a universe that approaches absolute zero, which is -459 degrees F. The earth has a hot core that is over 7,000 degrees F. Hot lava bursts out of the earth’s crust from volcanos all around the world on a regular basis! If the earth were billions of years old, it should have turned into an ice ball long ago, many times over.
Image that I came home from work one day and opened the freezer and found some chocolate chip cookies inside. I picked one of them up and the hot chocolate chips in the cookie got on my hand and burned me. I screamed and dropped the cookie and looked at my wife and said, “When did you make these cookies?!?!?!? They burned my hand!” And she said, “Oh, about 3 months ago!”
Now we all know that a hot cookie in a cold freezer can’t be very old. Now imagine a 7,000 degree ball [Earth] in -459 degree space. Does this argue for a young or old earth? We know the current rate of cooling of our crust and know that approximately 10,000 years ago, the earth would have had no crust based upon this known rate of cooling. The Bible says that God made the earth with land [crust], thus giving it some semblance of age. So our scientific data is consistent with the Biblical age of the earth being approximately 6,000 years.
They absolutely do. AND they totally exclude the 6000 year old earth.