You bring up a very good point. Unfortunately when it comes to the Obama supporters that ‘talking point’* doesn’t hold much water. A Rasmussen poll that came out a few months before the election last year showed that up to 70% of Obama supporters thought that SCOTUS should make decisions based on “FEELINGS” and NOT what was written in the Constitution...
You are right though — it’s not about the public option. The truth of the matter is that the government should not be involved in our healthcare industry at all! I wonder though if that ship hasn’t been out of port for a long time now. I started getting replies to that like — well then we need to do away with Medicare, Social Security, Police, Firemen, Libraries, etc... because that’s all “socialism” and it’s not allowed in the Constitution. It almost seems like a losing proposition to bring up the subject in any conversation with a liberal — not that it will stop me, mind you!!!
* Just wanted to mention that I don’t view Constitutional issues as “talking points” I just couldn’t find a better term for what I meant... :)
However, does that excuse those who understand the issue from fighting for it?
I don't see that it does.