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From my inbox: Shutting down FR's support - extortion attempt
received via email
| 10/23/2009
Posted on 10/23/2009 2:32:06 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
Edited on 10/23/2009 7:01:36 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
Hello Jim,
Since you've done what you've done to another reporter of mine when others seem to be allowed to post back to their blog or sites viablogger section, I've taken the liberty to gathering information about your website.
1. I've determined the need for all that money a month is invalid. I run a major website, and do not need that much.
2. You seem to be running the show, not a major building with staff.
3. Donations like this should be going elsewhere, needed, not into YOUR pockets.
4. I am having a press release written on FR, urging citizens to stop wasting their money on you, and to donate for a better cause, elsewhere.
5. I will not stop, unless the price is right. Yes, this is a bribe, because I will not screw you over had you not screwed me over. But it can change with swift talks.
6. You are not a true AMERICA LOVER.
7. Have a nice day, expect your vendors to pull out soon and your donations frozen.
Kevin Martin Southern California Weather Authority.
To: Petronski
Reads like satire. I dont buy it for a second.Watch his FR statement on video here and see if you think this is a guy capable of satire. Your skepticism is healthy, but in this case we have a delusional, mentally ill borderline personality who appears ready to go fully psycho.
448 posted on
10/23/2009 6:01:46 PM PDT by
xjcsa (And these three remain: change, hope and government. But the greatest of these is government.)
TOPICS: Free Republic; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: allhatnocattle; bunchaidiocy; extortion; fr; heynicehat; jimrobinson; kevinmartin; threat; zot; zotornot
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To: Jim Robinson
Just made a $20 contribution in honor of Kevin Martin. But what I want to know is, all these requests for pretzels, I want popcorn.
posted on
10/23/2009 7:35:32 PM PDT
(Hopey changey down the drainey...)
To: xsmommy
I couldn't bring myself to post the picture of the guy with stuff REALLY coming out of his nose!
posted on
10/23/2009 7:38:21 PM PDT
(Obama, The Flatulence of One Thousand Black Dogs After Eating Boiled Eggs Be Upon Him...)
To: retrokitten
Meth heads also do that also.
posted on
10/23/2009 7:39:05 PM PDT
(Kaiden sez, "If you have a problem and If explosives are an option then explosives are THE answer.")
To: potlatch
posted on
10/23/2009 7:39:20 PM PDT
(AARP is a steaming pile)
To: mnehring
As a FreeRepublic vendor who sells snow cones and soft pretzels, I want to know where my bribes are?Bribes, hell. I've donated, I want my popcorn. The heck with all these pretzels.
posted on
10/23/2009 7:40:31 PM PDT
(Hopey changey down the drainey...)
To: silent_jonny
Yes, I’m feeling much better. Thanks for asking. :-)
I’m still coughing and blowing my nose a lot, but it’s slowing down. The girl I got it from at work got it a lot worse then I did, though. She had a fever that wouldn’t break and broke out in hives!
Hey- did you get your Count Chocula, FrankenBerry and BooBerry at Wal-Mart? I may have bought a box or six.
To: Eaker
I don’t have a problem! I can stop when ever I want to!!
To: bcsco
Thank you very much, bcsco!!
posted on
10/23/2009 7:42:10 PM PDT
Jim Robinson
(Follow me on Twitter:
To: Jim Robinson
I posted at his YouTube site, but I doubt it will show.. He will probably block it. Idiot
posted on
10/23/2009 7:44:13 PM PDT
(Don't tell GOD how big your storm is -- Tell the storm how B-I-G your God is!you)
To: silent_jonny
I hope you don't cough up a cat toy ;)
Are you feeling better?
To: mnehring
He looks like he needs a few months of chill down on a small Carribean Island without any computer access. He seems to have developed an alternate reality which is in fact killing him.
Hundreds of years ago, he would be called "possessed."
posted on
10/23/2009 7:48:23 PM PDT
(The effective weapons against Fascism are ridicule, derision, and truth (Member NRA)
To: retrokitten
Heck, our current President will prolly make meth legal!
Woo - also - hooo!
posted on
10/23/2009 7:48:30 PM PDT
(Kaiden sez, "If you have a problem and If explosives are an option then explosives are THE answer.")
To: Eaker
Heck, our current President will prolly make meth legal!He already has, remember:
posted on
10/23/2009 7:54:08 PM PDT
(AARP is a steaming pile)
To: Jim Robinson
Thank you very much, bcsco!!I'm celebrating with popcorn. Mmmmmmmmmm.
posted on
10/23/2009 7:54:31 PM PDT
(Hopey changey down the drainey...)
To: xjcsa; Jim Robinson; kristinn
video.. Kristinn, any opinions?
posted on
10/23/2009 7:55:23 PM PDT
(I am Jim Thompson............................Please pray for our troops....)
To: Eaker
Woo - also - hooo!LMAO! (the "A" is for "also")
To: Jim Robinson
In all seriousness, this guy may be a loose canon. Contact the police and take proper caution.
posted on
10/23/2009 7:56:02 PM PDT
(Hopey changey down the drainey...)
To: xjcsa
Yeah, okay, you’re right.
I genuinely appreciate the correction by way of further information.
posted on
10/23/2009 7:56:45 PM PDT
(In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
To: retrokitten
Hey- did you get your Count Chocula, FrankenBerry and BooBerry at Wal-Mart? I may have bought a box or six. Yes! LOL--cereal-meld :) I have half a box of Frankenberry in the cupboard right now :) Are they $2 a box over there too?
Frankenberry isn't as good as I remember it (which is why there's still half a box in the cupboard). But Count Chocula is awesome :)
posted on
10/23/2009 7:57:16 PM PDT
(" ... lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven ... " Matthew 6:19-21)
To: HangnJudge
Made my day!!!!!!
posted on
10/23/2009 7:59:57 PM PDT
(staying...... " Under His Wings" Psalm 91:4)
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