I thought Code Pink were merely useful idiots to bash President Bush, and that as soon as Obama or Clinton got elected (barf), they would change their tune.
How is *that* inconsistent with what is happening? "The Afghan women" are merely a convenient cover story for Code Pinko to change their position to support the war, since protesting against it would make Obama look bad.
Thoughts, comments?
Code Pink and the rest of the anti-American left had great plans to use this month to kick off a nationwide campaign to undermine support for the war.
They've had several days of protests in D.C. starting with last weekend and continuing through today with street blockades this afternoon.
The left is also targeting high school students with an anti-recruiter campaign in schools, and they are targeting recruiting centers.
They are holding demonstrations around the country today to mark the eighth anniversary of going into Afghanistan.
Also this month, Code Pink made elaborate plans to have two leftist Afghan women tour the States to tell everyone how much they want the U.S. to leave right away.
All these plans have been monkey-wrenched by Code Pink coming face-to-face with the undeniable reality of the multitude of Afghan women who told them in no uncertain terms that they do not want to live under the Taliban again and want U.S. troops to stay and finish the job.
What they found in Afghanistan was so over-powering there was no way for them to use their usual propaganda schtick. They've been forced to live up to their 'women's group' image by this very public rebuke of Code Pink's intentions by Afghan women.