I wonder what Garofalo’s “gay” friends think of her insulting Republicans by referring to them as “tea-baggers”. It would seem as though her ditzyness would be getting under their skin by now.
There is nothing inherently gay about the act described as “tea bagging,” any more than oral sex is inherently gay.
It is interesting that the Dems regularly demean blacks and gays, yet both groups continue to dance like marionettes for the Dems. I think that both groups demean themselves beyond anything the Dems could say or do, by their slavish devotion to those that regularly insult them.
Carter: "black boy"
Byrd: KKK and "white ni**er"
Clinton: "black people are just like normal people"
One has to wonder. Is there any level of condescension and demeaning that these people won't cheerfully accept from the Dems? Indeed, more than acceptance, but eagerly lap up?