You worship Vick and think dog killing is fine and dandy. I worship God and think dog killing is bad.
This is not his chosen profession. It appears Nike was going to have him be a spokesperson and a bunch of worthless pondscum would buy the product.
Every Nike purchase would be an endorsement of dog killing.
And what a moronic argument. Chicken McNuggets are food. Bad food but food.
By supporting Vick in this you endorse killing dogs.
I pray you have no children or pets. People like you think abuse and torture are dandy.
Michael Vick was sentenced to prison for a crime. He paid the price for his iniquities against canines according to the Law.
You and others are the cruel ones. You can't get enough punishment for persons who violate laws.
Put dog torturers in prison for life, execute them, or have them do the time and then allow them to move on in their lives.
Change the Law if you do not like it.