If the U.S. Constitution doesn’t guarantee the rights of citizens concerning guns, then it doesn’t guarantee them any other rights.
Either the Constitution is a valid document that guarantees U.S. Citizens certain rights, or it is a worthless document that doesn’t guarantee individual citizens any rights at all.
The left is playing a very dangerous game here, because civil rights are a part of this document, by amendment.
If there are no gun rights, then there are no free speech rights, no civil rights, and no rights of protection from any search any police agency should wish to carry out.
A ruling that would allow states to deny gun rights would by precedent nullify any granting of federal rights via the U.S. Constitution, on the whim of any of the 50 states.
The Supreme Court cannot deny the universality of gun rights, or it destroys this founding document, and therefore the very fabric of the nation.
Agreed! If the five justices that rulled on Heller will rule favorably on this it will be a tremendous help in shutting down the antigun crowd.