Obummer is tied to ACORN!
Son of immigrant Haitian parents of leftist bent, Gaspard is a radical in the image of Barack Obama himself. If asked he would probably admit that his hero is Franz Fanon, the Caribbean Marxist theoretician. In the last twenty years he has touched all the radical bases, working for Soros and his America Coming Together (and may have been the idea man behind the use of ex-convicts to get out the vote). He has worked with Sharpton, and was once called the SEIU chief lobbyist. He has backed a number of Democrat leftists in New York elections and has had only infrequent success. He and Val. Jarett seemingly play Edgar Bergan to their Charley MacCarthey, Barack Obama.
This means Acorn is telling TOTUS what to say too!
Sooprize! Sooprize!