Whereupon they immediately proceed to ensconce themselves in little enclaves of like-minded assholes, bitch about the "lack of services" and "culture", and actively set about screwing up their new neighborhoods (people from Jersey, complaining about the lack of "culcha"...??? Oh, please...). They're retired so they have plenty of time to make a hobby out of sticking their noses into everyone else's business.
In most of the Southwest it's the same thing, only it's Californicators. In NM, it's always been Texans. In general, if they just mind their own business, no-one cares. But when they decide to change the place they "escaped to", into the place they "escaped from", they can ruin a nice place really fast. Think Ashville, NC, Aiken, SC, Knoxville, TN, Santa Fe, NM, Crested Butte, CO, all of Florida,,,, ad-infinitum.
Unofficial South Carolina State Motto:
"They's 'Yankees', and then they's 'Damned Yankees'! Yankees come to visit, Damned Yankees come to stay".