This feeds right into the leftists ...
I particularly like the ‘SWAT’ cop barely visible behind a car giving ‘cover’. I’ve never seen a riot control cop alone on a street full of smelly protestors, much less without a APC or even a cruiser in sight.
I’m guessing it was a play for the libtards.
I’m glad its out there where it can be picked apart and discredited.
You know the military means business when they roll out the tactical beige Crown Vic.
Most likely a AWOL service member...
Those are NOT US military persons. Those âuniformsâ are NOT issued to any of the services anymore. They are most likely cops or contractors.
Explain the fakeness?
How many “Military” do snatches in a rented Kia???
Yeah, they’d really show up in fatigues - especially non-matching fatigues - to “secretly snatch” some scrawny hippie.
The only way they’d grab somebody is if the guy was AWOL and they were MPs, but then they’d be wearing something that indicated this.
Why are the so-called “military” guys in different uniforms? One guy has woodland camo BDUs on and the other two have the new camo BDUs on and none of them have hats on. Don’t know about you other ex-military guys but it was pretty much drilled in to my head that you did not go outside a building without your hat on...
This is just like that hippie “lady” trying to pass as a conservative at the Barney Franks townhall and making the nazi remark to try and pin it on the opposition.
Typical marxist theatre.
why else would they be getting into that horrible car. Everybody knows the Government does not drive pontiacs, or whatever that is.
Funny though
Don’t know if you guys have seen this or not, but here is the follow up of the detainment of the protester by the officers in fatigues.
**language warning**
Arrest at G20 Demonstrations, Pittsburgh, September 24, 2009
Wrong uniforms,
“soldiers” have no hats/headcover.
no TA-50 gear,
wrong boots,
too fancy a wristwatch,
“soldiers” very “out of shape,”
armbands wrong,
“cop #2” with gas mask on has no reason for it, but has no helmet,
weapon is toy gun with red barrel end,
“cop #2” is pointing the “weapon” at his own people,
all using very bad technique.
Total BS
Don’t buy it. Not even a good fake.
I’m impressed the left could find 4 guys willing to get buzz cuts and go to the army surplus store to get uniforms. Nice agitprop!
Go to Drudge and scroll down to the “SEND NEWS TIPS TO DRUDGE” box on the right hand side. Send a memo to Drudge that this is fake.
One of the worst fakes *ever*.
When did we go back to BDUs? I like the BDUs better, anyway. ACUs suck.
It will be on “Democracy Now” for a month. “Whatever happened to that poor man . . .”
He probably went around the block, went into that Pizza Hut and had some lunch.