Above his paygrade.
The lessons to be learned are being learned, painfully and slowly, by the British government.
A buffoon and a neophyte................
Applies over here, as well. Mr Affirmative Action, Never Had a Real Job, Never Ran or Managed Anything Other Than a Campaign Obama owes this country a great deal, too, but seems incapable of acknowledging the fact.
The UK didnt help itself at all with the Lockerbie fiasco. However, even beyond that, Emperor Obama has an intense dislike for the UK dating back to his family’s Mau Mau associations. Finally, learn the lesson Poland and the Czechs have recently learned: you are on your own, there is no gatekeeper at the front door of freedom.
Another day, another outrage with this POS as President.
Obama views the USA like an envious and resentful Third Worlder, and he’s not interested in any “special relationships” with white, European nations.
And it’s good to see that some Euros are beginning to see Obama for what he actually is: a leftist ideologue, and a lightweight who learned to read a teleprompter and pull the wool over the eyes of enough guilt-ridden white folks to win the election against one of the worst Republican candidates in living memory. Hopefully, enough Americans are waking up to make this poser a one-termer in 2012, and to take away his support in Congress in 2010.
It’s interesting that Obama is wildly popular with white Brits while Obama couldn’t care less about Britain. That’s the plain truth you residents of the U.K. Britain is now lumped in with the rest of the world’s countries. Yemen is probably higher on the Obama totem pole than is the U.K. Forget about that special relationship. Obama has a new world order planned, and Brits (and Europeans) will be sucking hind teat.
It never ceases to amaze me that people will swoon at a charmer and then, when he turns out to not be so charming, ask “What happened? He seemed so, so nice!”
It’s like seeing an abusive marriage play out on the world stage. The abuser toys with his victim but keeps the charm coming, making things very confusing, but in the end getting exactly what he wants.
Obambi was very, very clear about what his intentions were and he is carrying them out with speed, determination, and a lot of street-smart skill. He never hid the fact that he wants the U.S. to be like countries that are headed by totalitarian governments. It’s like the old abuse analogy above. “But, but, but, he’s so charming and he’s so, so NICE, so how could he really MEAN that?”
The world got what they wanted (the U.S. brought to its knees) and now we all are going to pay for it, for a very, very long time, and in more ways than one.
The UK isn’t Muslim enough yet to merit The One’s attention. Institute Sharia and get back to him then.
Also, let's not forget that someone in the UK government let the Lockerbie bomber out of prison, with or without Obama's blessing. So, if they feel slighted, I don't really give a rip. Whatever the case may be, the powers-that-be in the UK were in the Obama camp - almost from the very beginning - so they are now receiving their just deserts. Maybe next time, they'll keep their noses out of American politics.