He's been pulling stunts like this for a while: IIRC, There's a video of him with a university "diversity officer" complaining that the serving of Lucky Charms in the university dining halls for breakfast violates the university's diversity guidelines because under their definition, the cereal box is demeaning to Irish people. I believe FNC also showed an earlier video where he had an "affirmative action bake sale," wherein select minorities had to pay more or less for the same baked goods.
That’s James, not Hannah’s dad.
Thursday, Rush was talking about a CNN anchorette describing Hannah Giles as the daughter of Doug Giles as if he were a household name. Rush had never heard of him and when he did a web search it turned up as a Townhall writer who supported Obama for president. I haven’t done a search myself, just mentioning it FWIW.
Never mind. It was a spoof. In fact there was a FR thread about it. Rush dropped the ball and I kicked it out of bounds! Sorry.