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Sources: Admin Officials Head to Poland, Czech Rep. to Kill Missile Defense ^
| 9/16/09
Posted on 09/16/2009 4:49:45 PM PDT by roses of sharon
According to reliable sources, Obama administration officials are on their way to Poland and the Czech Republic to deliver very bad news. The administration intends to cancel completely the missile defense sites that had been promised to these governments by the previous administration. This represents a complete capitulation to Russia's Vladimir Putin, who had demanded that the proposed deployments be halted as a price for improved relations. Ironically, the Obama administration, which is appeasing Russia in the hopes that Moscow will help put pressure on Iran, has made this mammoth concession just a few days after Moscow declared that it had no intention of supporting sanctions against Iran.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: czechrepublic; gmd; missile; missiledefense; poland; russia; stabintheback
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Carter II.....It is dangerous to be America's foe, but to be the friend, it is downright lethal.
To: roses of sharon
Incredibly dumb but widely anticipated. The Leftists will never learn that defense PREVENTS wars.
To: roses of sharon
Why would russia help us with iran when they are making the money selling nuke power and technology to them?
posted on
09/16/2009 4:52:47 PM PDT
(If I had 1 cent for every dollar the government saved, Bill Gates and I would be friends.)
To: roses of sharon
Meanwhile, Iran will have nukes, North Korea will have nukes ... And we will be the target. I am sure Obama loves America.
posted on
09/16/2009 4:53:54 PM PDT
(The Joker's plan -- Slavery by debt so large it can never be repaid...)
To: InterceptPoint
The Leftists know that anti-missile defense system placed in Poland and Czech would prevent war ~ and also prevent the Iranian madmen from intimidating and blackmailing the wimps in Western Europe.
Obama is doing this on behalf of his friends in Russia ~ and for his ideology.
He's one dumb cookie. I tell you, before this regime comes to an end we'll have to put Obama and his running dog lackeys in cells.
posted on
09/16/2009 4:54:09 PM PDT
To: roses of sharon
posted on
09/16/2009 4:55:06 PM PDT
To: roses of sharon
Nikita is smiling from the grave.....and Putin from his dacha
posted on
09/16/2009 4:56:31 PM PDT
(THE Conservative party:
Comment #8 Removed by Moderator
To: roses of sharon
Comrade Barack is taking orders from the Soviets.
Just like Ted Kennedy calling Russia and undercutting Reagan.
This is friggin surreal.
posted on
09/16/2009 4:58:54 PM PDT
(A woman will be the next President; I hope it's Palin instead of HRC.)
To: Tarpon
Hussein’s goal is to reduce American power, economic and military.
Israel too.
No doubt about it.
posted on
09/16/2009 5:01:30 PM PDT
roses of sharon
( Reagan said, "When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.")
To: roses of sharon
Obama's WMD Czar
Gary SamoreAs Deputy to Ambassador-at-Large Robert Gallucci, he led U.S. expert-level negotiations with North Korea, the Republic of Korea and Japan, resulting in the completion of the 1994 US-North Korea Agreed Framework and the formation of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization in 1995.
Gee. That worked out really neat. /s
posted on
09/16/2009 5:01:53 PM PDT
(Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.----- Ronald Reagan)
To: roses of sharon
Saw this one coming a mile away. He’s doing it in exchange for vague promises from Medvedev on which the latter has no intention of delivering. Meanwhile Russian weapons are being delivered to Huey Chavez and the Russian navy has unrestricted access to Venezuela’s ports. Those hits just keep a-rollin’...
To: roses of sharon
If running backwards were an Olympic event, Obama would be unbeatable.
posted on
09/16/2009 5:04:45 PM PDT
(Rack'em & Stack'em)
To: roses of sharon
posted on
09/16/2009 5:12:50 PM PDT
(We are so screwed!!)
To: kimoajax
I guess it would be RACIST to say Obammy is a bit off target here. Well if I'm gonna be called a racist then perhaps I was too kind in saying he was a bit off here. In fact this is one of most misguided, dangerous, and ill advised foreign policy in his new administration. This will put poland and other east European countries in danger, and will spread un-american feelings in Europe. Obama shows himself to be a rube, a man child who steers America along a dangerous path of not meeting with other world leaders face to face, but on our knees. Pray for this Country, because this president is a dangerous fool.
posted on
09/16/2009 5:18:03 PM PDT
To: roses of sharon
posted on
09/16/2009 5:18:03 PM PDT
(Where is another agitator for republicanism like Sam Adams when we need him?)
To: quesera
The arrogance and stupidity of this administration spans the spectrum.
~ RushIsMyTeddyBear ~
posted on
09/16/2009 5:19:31 PM PDT
(Let’s Roll!!! The leadership of the GOP has no spine and no guts, but we conservatives do)
To: roses of sharon
Listen to the NeoCons at the Weakly Standard squeal.
How did that magazine recently sell for?
To: roses of sharon
Sell the missiles to Poland and the Czech Republic and let them run their own show. If we sell them the tools to defend themselves then they don’t have to depend on whoever happens to be in the White House.
To: roses of sharon
In addition to this being dangerous for us, I can only pray for the Polish and Czechs.
posted on
09/16/2009 5:24:41 PM PDT
(NEVER believe anything coming out of DC until it's been denied.)
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