I’m still waiting for the answer to: “What came first...the chicken or the egg?”
The chicken of course. Why, do you think the egg laid itself? You see, a male and a female chicken climbed out of the premadoral soup, and began laying eggs. That's how evolution theory works anyways. And this happened, -despite the odds of it happening even once being trillions and zillions against it- millions of times over.
Chicken and Egg.
The egg obviously came first. Eggs adapted for surviving on land (amniote eggs) evolved with reptiles. Some of those reptiles evolved into birds, which are loaded with reptilian characteristics. Then some of the birds differentiated into the group which includes chickens.
So, the egg came long before the chicken.
>>Im still waiting for the answer to: What came first...the chicken or the egg?<<
I have no doubt it was the chicken. I sometimes wonder, if you could go back in time and meet Adam two minutes after he was created, how old you would guess him to be.