Worse! McKinnon quit the McCain campaign when Obama got the nomination before Sarah was chosen — like a few months before.
Years ago the Communists set as one of their goals to take over one or both major political parties in the USA. They have taken over the Democrats and are making progress in the Republican Party by using these “political consultants” who keep insisting that we water down our conservative principles so as to attract the mushy middle whom they call moderates.
Not since Reagan, and rarely before him, have we had a choice between a true conservative and a true liberal. We know the Democrat candidate will be a liberal. Now, if we can find a true conservative who will ignore these traitors-in-our-midst-political-consultants and run his/her own campaign I think we will have a real chance.
Sarah sure fits the bill but there are also others.
Shut up McCain.
I voted for Bullwinkle and left the Republican party after McCain was nominated. The RNC has Democrat moles infiltrating the national party machine.
If the GOP can't come up with someone better than McCain, Julie-Annie or Huckabee, they can continue to be the losers they deserve to be.
Par for Liberal McCain. How he ever picked a conservative for Veep is beyond me.
McCain's Ex-Advisor
Why should we care what liberal Democrat Zeroite nutball Mark McKinnon has to say ?