I just don't think of anything as “free”.
I think that those who receive anything at no cost to themselves don't appreciate it's importance.
I also think it necessary to start all sentences with “I think” as so few people realize all thoughts are filtered through personal bias. One can only speak for one's self.
I agree with you on this point. Eventually, if government school institution could be totally shut down, the existing private system would charge tuition.
Howerever...There is a difference from accepting a private charity ( which is what the private schools would be) and taking a tuition-free service from the government. With private schools the child would be encouraged to feel **gratitude** for another’s generous donation. In the government's tuition-free schools the child is taught that it is his **right** for the government to force money from his neighbor to pay for something his parents want for free.
Private tuition-free schools generate attitudes of gratitude.
Government tuition-free schools generate a belief in entitlement for the government to enslave other people's labor, life, and money.
The government schools are **charging** zero tuition at the door for the parent. If a system of private schools is going to compete against the government price-fixed monopoly, it will need to match the government's fee of zero.
Please do not confuse the government school's **charge** of free with what it **costs** to run the government school. It actually **costs** the taxpayer a lot to run these government schools.