Schools or society, I don't know which, probably both. (I may be too tired to be coherent or thoughtful on this now)
Education, Yes, perhaps also 'consequences' before and after? Are we as a society being too lenient in providing for those that don't care how their consequences affect others?
Consequences for parents/child and hopefully that will be an education (which most of us were brought up under?)
Perhaps even Society must be educated to be aware?
I now live in a town where there is a curfew (and a firehouse whistle to alert of same). That's something I never needed where I grew up... my parents took care of that!
Yes. We are in a post-industrial society and in order for such a society to prosper, the people need to be educated. And when the adults of certain cultures do not value the importance of education, we must help their children realize the value of education.
If not, that cycle of illiteracy and poverty will not simply continue but it will grow at an exponential rate.