At least Donofrio has taken to repeating frequently that we don't have a whole range of documents that we need to establish Obama’s citizenship. He just won't mention lack of contemporaneous evidence of the Dunham-Obama marriage.
I disagree with him. With the facts as we know them at this is likely he was not a UK citizen.
There was a law that legitimized illegitimate births if there was a subsequent valid marriage. There are problems with this in a number of ways.
What you are saying is basically...hey, I was not in reality a UK citizen...but I thought I I shouldn’t be a natural born citizen. Do you really believe a court would throw out a sitting President born on US soil to a US citizen... on that basis alone.
This argument is far different than Donofrio claiming Obama, was in fact, a UK citizen. It appears to me that is what he is claiming. Thinking you are a UK citizen is far different than actually being a UK citizen.
UK citizenship law does not grant citizenship just because you think you are a UK citizen. If you read the link in my profile, there is some talk about how they dealt with certain registrations of void marriages..but you have to go actually look at the law they reference. Furthermore, there is no indication that anyone applied to register Obama as a UK citizen.
There are some details in the law as it pertains to assets..but those laws are for when parent is domiciled in the UK.(if my memory is correct) and other specific requirements.
UK citizenship law is quite complex. they had to take into account such a variety of factors that we in the US did not have to consider.
Did Obama ever have a British Passport..because if so...that kicks up other issues as to how he obtained it.