Someone needs to tie all this together. If he received a ‘visit’ in the middle of the night, who made the visit? If you can prove who it was—game over.
Not that he’s exercised his First Amendment rights, I hope he gets the opportunity to educate these thugs on the Second Amendment.
These outrageous attacks were spawned by Jim Lehrer,
Pres_ _ent Obama, AG Holder, and Sibelius.
Watching attacks on children and the handicapped
is disgusting beyond all belief.
The Left is very ugly, and we haven’t even seen their bad side.
First, the night visitor was American whereas the man and his son definitely are “Unamerican”.
Second, the man and his son comprise a mob, and they are using “Nazi” tactics against the night visitor, all intended to hurt President Obama.
And you thought he was just a guy caring for his adult son with cerebral palsy. It’s all been reported to the government so the disinformnation can be eliminated.
What a courageous guy!
He sure as hell put the Dingleberry and the rest of congress and the wh on notice that he won’t sit still for any of their nonsensical healthcare bill.
Who visited him, how did they get his address, and his name? See, this is exactly why I am terrified of going to one of these things, especially since I live in Los Angeles, we got enough whack jobs in this state, God knows what they are capable of. Now THIS is truly scary stuff. Threatened for speaking your mind, welcome to the New Obama America. If this bill passes, America as we know it is finished. Obama, in a span of 7 months, has destroyed this country and turned us into Iran. We HAVE to stop him before its too late
Time to lock and load
Abraham Lincoln
I sent it to Drudge, everyone can too, just go to his site.
From Craigs List:
Stop Complaining. Start Organizing! $400-600 Per Week (Minneapolis)
Date: 2009-08-03, 11:59AM CDT
Reply to: see below
President Obamas top priority for Congress is health care reform. Insurance companies are spending over a million dollars a day lobbying against the reform, while feeding myths and fears to America. It will take the same grassroots energy that got Obama elected to see the change we voted for. Our work isnt over.
Build support for health care reform with U.S. PIRG. Mobilize activists to cut the cost of health care, expand coverage, and stop sick from getting dropped by insurance companies. Go out in your community and make change happen. Make friends and money along the way.
Earn $400-$600 per week. To apply for a job, call Chris at 612-331-1434.
The Fund for the Public Interest has been working for over 25 years with organizations such as Sierra Club, Environment America, Human Rights Campaign, Progressive Future and U.S. PIRG to win concrete victories for the public interest. We are the nations premier nonprofit for raising money, building membership and winning grassroots campaigns.
* Location: Minneapolis
* Compensation: $400-$600 Per Week
* This is at a non-profit organization.
* Principals only. Recruiters, please dont contact this job poster.
* Phone calls about this job are ok.
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 1303502752
tickleddragon on August 6, 2009 at 9:23 PM
Get license plates. It’s the easiest way to ID enemies at demos etc. Then arrange another visit in the night. Nuff said.
God bless him and his family.
Dingall needs to be recalled or voted out ASAP; he’s an arrogant disgrace.