Posted on 08/10/2009 12:19:24 PM PDT by pissant
This is no time for jokes or trivial banter. The stakes are getting higher by the nanosecond. As tensions are inflamed at health care town hall meetings across the country, a dangerous trend of Hitler comparisons, Stalin comparisons, and all-around dictator comparisons to President Barack Obama is taking shape. The most probing question at this juncture might be uncomfortable to some, but it must be asked: Do conservative, hard-right demagogues, whose hatred for President Obama has hardly ever been subdued, secretly hope for--and are hard at work toward--the assassination of the nation's first Black president.
The sheer thought that a faction of the country's political bloc holds such views might unnerve certain readers, but fear of the probable demands that we face up to the consequences before it's too late.
A couple of days ago, violence broke out at a Tampa, Florida, health care summit at which U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor was speaking. Mob groups, contracted by right-wing organizations, loudly interrupted the Congresswoman as she spoke, causing a scene so volatile that it soon turned violent.
For those who had been following the recent outbursts of verbal chaos at countless Congressional health care-centered town hall meetings, the Tampa incident was but the inevitable culmination of a brewing hostility that had begun bubbling as early as last weekend, when Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, was heckled and berated by reform opponents at a Pennsylvania town hall meeting where she was also joined by Philadelphia Democratic Senator, Arlen Specter.
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Boy you ain’t kidding.
The best life insurance this guy has is those standing in line behind him.
Anyone ever think Hillary would look good compared to this guy? Jeez.
Not that I have any say or control but ideally it would be nice if these town hall meeting protests produced more good rhetorical soundbites like the one that referenced the failed ‘cash for clunkers program’ and ‘not reading the bills’. Those looked great on FNC.
The general yelling and booing just feeds the Obama spin machine which mainly just works both bases up, which by the way Obama is losing the battle if not already lost. We still have to worry about republicans/RINOS cutting a deal if it looks like republicans will get blamed for failure(Obama strategy.)
The personal references to Stalin and Hitler with Obama are a bit nutty(Hitler and Stalin had death camps), you cant help wonder what those nuts who called Bush Hitler think about it. How about MSNBC trying to call those calling Obama Hitler racists??? Ironic twist!
Such atrocities are historically the dominion of Leftists.
How can I take a writer named after a dress, seriously?
Joe Biden would follow the same path as BO. He would be saying all along, it’s for the good of the nation and not know the difference between right and wrong.
BO knows the difference, that’s why I think he would be a better candidate for ‘real change’.
Oh, I don't know...have any "Right-wing" movie directors made a movie about the killing of the President?
And as for this pseudo-journalist...did he ever ask that question while W was President? Or was the question at that time redundant?
I'm sure there are a lot of good points being made in these meetings, but the media just shows the shouting and jostling without mention which side might be doing the shouting and jostling. Anti-Obamacare townhall participants could speak with the tongue of angels and the media would still do their best to portray them as a lawless rabble. With the MSM this is all about selling a viewpoint and protecting the overlord Obama, don't forget, not about portraying what's actually going on.
Not me. Obama is the best thing that’s happened to Conservatives in quite a while. He is overreaching so much that the GOP is going to sweep back into power in 2010 and, hopefully, 2012.
I was thinking the same thing!
Who would have ever thought we would have been better off with Hilary! Obama makes her look like a republican.
This seems to be a more and more common meme. I've heard it on Talk Radio a couple of times last week, also read it in Op-Eds.
Rahm must be getting the "racist card" talking points memo out.
Personally, I can't figure out the connection between someone thinking that (I'm assuming) whites are superior AND that same person not wanting government to take control of Health Care. Two completely separate issues. Not an apples to oranges comparison, more like apples to Buicks.
One would have to have a fairly twisted mind to come up with that relation. That's a stretch that I just can't figure out.
No, not at all, but I do want him out of our WHITE HOUSE. In 4 years we will have the chance to get a new president. We have a lot of work to do in the mean time.
Remember the protest posters displaying Bush’s bloody severed head on a pike? Now that’s real civilized.
These people lack any rational arguments in favor of Obama’s programs; they merely slander his opposition. It’s a prelude to taking the opposition’s rights away.
I specifically mentioned FNC which is doing a great job on this, but no great soundbites and they cant play what doesnt exist.
Certainly not! With every breath he takes he discredits collectivism.
But, with regard to the author of this tripe ... the answer is more hazy.
And, regarding "conservative thugs being contracted in Tampa" ... that's a bald-faced lie.
I think maybe the stage is being set for something violent to take place. And when it does, the author may have some trouble looking in the mirror each morning (or, being liberal, maybe not?).
I wouldn’t call the author of this article a liberal. He’s probably a raging leftist who works very hard to silence his opposition.
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