Excellent advice imho.
The only thing I’ve boughten besides food, gas, etc, was new underwear, jeans, a pair of sandals, and splurged on a new exercise hoodie that was 1/2 price on sale, $15. Last Christmas, I spent less than $100, made a bunch of stuff. I plan on doing this this year. We’ve been doing this quietly for over a year now.
Another couple of years and he'll be like some of the Philadelphia Main Line types that I worked for. My favorite was the cracked leather across the wingtips.
That would be about $9800 I could save up in cash to buy more weapons and ammo. After I move, I can rent a comparable place for about $600 a month. Since my equity AND my income got cut in half, I will save another $100,000 that I lost when the equity dropped. And since my income has dropped, and I don't have money to buy anything on credit anyway, my credit score which is around 780 now means very little anyway
Marshall Law coming soon!!!!!
I think the guy is making a virtue out of necessity. The slump we’re in could take a decade (or two) to get out of, depending on how crazy Ogabe gets with his spending binges. (The bigger the spending binge, the longer the recession). This means that the economy will continue to crash for a while, taking with it a significant number of speaking engagements on which he relies for income. He’s not cutting his expenditures as a protest - he’s cutting them because he may soon have to start living off his savings. Note that self-employed individuals like him don’t get unemployment benefits.
We need yard signs and bumper stickers.
Who is John Galt? For real.
This is also the first calendar year in at least a decade in which Ive gone 7 months without buying so much as a single stitch of new clothing. Not a necktie, not a sports-jacket, not a shoelace. Not because I lack the financial ability. And not because I lack interest. I usually buy at least a few new things each season, and for my speaking engagements, Im actually overdue a new suit. A store I patronize even advertised a remarkably attractive offer last week, offering two free suits with purchase of one. But I will not give the president even a dime of help. I have joined the Affluent Resistance Movement.
- - - - - - Pingaroo !!
We had no choice. We took in about $100,000 less last year than the year before.
That has an effect on your spending habits ;o)
I can honestly say that I and many of my friends have been doing this since last November. It feels great. Just buy the necessities and save the cash.
Another thing I’ve done is give up smoking after more than twenty years. I bought one of the electronic cigarettes and haven’t looked back. No way was I going to give Obama a dollar per pack to push his socialist agenda. The electronic cigs have really taken off here. No tobacco, no withdrawals and no buck a pack to the Marxist.
Atlas Shrugged ping!
Why should we spend? Who knows what this yahoo is getting us into? How would we know? Who feels confident right now? GDO. It’s in the bible.
“This is also the first calendar year in at least a decade in which Ive gone 7 months without buying so much as a single stitch of new clothing.”
I did have to buy clothes this year because I lost nearly 50 lbs in a fight with cancer last year (I feel great, though!). I bought nearly all of it in small businesses, or at Mervyn’s and Gottschalks which both sadly went out of business. That meant that the money did not go to buy new goods but to pay off the companies’ debts. I also shop at second hand stores. No more Walmart for me after their meetings with 0banana about DMV-style health care.