Old Joe was an abomination. When people talk about all the Kennedy family tragedies I think of the phrase “Sins of the Fathers visited upon their sons” .. he was a ba$tard.
Nonetheless, the K women for all their ‘good works’ were prima donnas who were not quite so great to people under their charge .. just typical Dem hypocrisy that bugs me. You see, it’s different to support unions and workers rights, so long as the worker isn’t a Kennedy employee, in which case said worker is expected to toil under difficult circumstances, suffer temperamental abuses, and receive relatively little financial reward.
Nonetheless, the K women for all their good works were prima donnas who were not quite so great to people under their charge .. just typical Dem hypocrisy that bugs me.
I agree but this women was born in 1912 or something like that. Do you think she was even allowed to express her displeasure to those Kennedy boys??? She probably would have ended up dead like Mary Jo. I am just saying that women in that time would deter to their husbands and other men in their lives.