If they withhold federal funds then Oklahoma should pass a law saying its citizens can deduct the percentage owed them from their next return (conveniently calculated by the states department of revenue). Withholding funds should not be possible otherwise taxation without representation is being violated. This is why the 16th amendment is a joke, thing kind of thing could not happen prior to it.
Let’s go back to having the state’s remit funds to the Fed instead of the people. Then the Fed has to answer to the states and cannot bully individuals (as our founders intended).
No, that’s playing the game according to their rules. Where did it come down on a shaft of light between the clouds that the feds are the only ones who get to participate in rule making? If they withhold $100,000,000 in “Federal Funds”, OK should simply find a way to send $100,000,000 less in income tax withholding.