::Laughing:: And you are calling me the Machiavellian plotter?
Hello pot. My name is Kettle.
This photograph, whether it contained an E, X, K, or the Greek Alphabet was filed in with the courts by an OFFICER of the COURT unvetted and unverified. Albeit done under the premise of asking for assistence. That is not only inproper, it is dangerous. The time for asking questions about this photo was before it was entered into record. Not during or after. We are not the only ones that have access to these filings, foreign countries do.
Senator Scoop Jackson: “American foreign policy should leave our shore with one voice.”
For you all to confirm for yourselves:
Contact either of these entities and ask: Is the word ‘Authenticated’ or ‘Certificate’ used on your birth certificate forms?
Kenya National Archives & Documentation Service
Embassy of The Republic of Kenya