This also shows whoever dummied this document up was
a) not very smart
b) probably too young to remember when negro was a race, not an insult
c) too politically correct to use the term negro
Or, was “influenced” ($$$) to make the change...during Opossum’s several vacations to Hawaii.
Yesterday, someone posted a theory for why Obeyme is so secretive about the original document. When he first began his run for president, 2+ years ago, there was talk and concern, on the Left, that he was not an “authentic American Black Man”. So he and his lackeys got together to make sure his birth certificate was scrubbed to be politically correct.
But the big point was to make sure his race as shown on the real birth certificate never sees the light of day. Why? Because with a white mother and a half arab father, his race, in 1961, was listed as ... caucasion. So all those hopeychangey types would not be able to say they elected the “first Black President”. As I said, this is pure speculation, but it would explain the intense effort to keep the bc under wraps, even if he really is a natural born citizen.