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Ann Coulter Says Obama's Birth Certificate "Not an Issue"; Calls Proponents "Cranks" - Video 7/25/09
Freedom's Lighthouse ^ | July 26, 2009 | BrianinMO

Posted on 07/26/2009 11:35:29 AM PDT by Federalist Patriot

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To: TheBigIf

It would be a step in the right direction, but in all honesty I am not a birther, and it would need more than innuendo and suspicion for me to take this seriously.

You would have to do more than get the names of the lawyers, though. You would have to prove that they are working at the instruction of Obama, or his team.

Government entities get nuisance lawsuits all the time, and their lawyers have to deal with them no matter how outlandish. Obama hasn’t been the target of many (any?) of these suits — they’ve been a mix of state governments and other entities. Most of these people will have lawyers on retainer anyway to handle this type of situation, so I doubt even there any extra cash has been spent on lawyer fees.

(And what Executive Order?)

181 posted on 07/26/2009 4:53:39 PM PDT by tyke
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To: tyke
Anyone who has had a divorce or known someone who has had a divorce **knows** how much it costs to retain an attorney. (That's likely every sentient being in the U.S.)

Obama blocked the Berg case all the way to the Supreme Court. That wasn't cheap. There are other cases all across the nation. These cases are not defending themselves.

182 posted on 07/26/2009 4:54:44 PM PDT by wintertime (People are not stupid! Good ideas win!)
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To: Crazieman

Apparently, the U.S. Senate resolution concerning McCain’s natural born status disagrees with your definition. Link here:

183 posted on 07/26/2009 5:00:57 PM PDT by deks (Obama Birthplace National Monument? (:)
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To: TheBigIf
...Glad you called, my FRiend, yer the first to respond in two days. “Natural born citizen”, born, birthed, delivered in the 50 states, or provinces of the US, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, other recognized US territorial interests and past involvements in imperialism...

...That is the argument, what is the law? I don't know. The laws passed by the Congress are thousands of pages filled with extras that they or you or me don't get to read and know...

...I'm with you on this issue, but, until more facts are out, I focus on other issues that threaten our Constitution, sovereignty, and the US...

184 posted on 07/26/2009 5:02:06 PM PDT by gargoyle
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To: Yo-Yo

Not as big a fan of Ann lately..she thinks her good friend, bill Maher is very smart. HUH?

185 posted on 07/26/2009 5:02:55 PM PDT by Recovering Ex-hippie (Pray for Israel! And the Iranian people! and Honduras!)
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To: tyke

I am not a birther either. I am though someone who cares about the Constitution. I am also a natural born citizen with ancestry back to the Revolution.

I care about the Constitution and the rule of law.

The Courts should have to rule on this. It is unprecedented.

186 posted on 07/26/2009 5:25:19 PM PDT by TheBigIf
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To: InvisibleChurch
"The point is to keep pressure on the press, keep them wasting resources refuting and defending it."

Bingo. She's set a pick, innoculated everyone to her inside -- nothing in what she said, said quit looking.

187 posted on 07/26/2009 5:32:35 PM PDT by StAnDeliver (Meow. Meow. Meow.)
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To: PennsylvaniaMom
The woman at the Delaware Townhall meeting WAS NOT a kook!

Oh no, she was, and is a KOOK.

188 posted on 07/26/2009 5:37:19 PM PDT by MilspecRob (Most people don't act stupid, they really are.)
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To: Federalist Patriot

The interesting things here is that by demanding the BC,we are being painted as kooks claiming Hussein was born on Mars, in Kenya, on a raft in the Pacific. It doesn’t matter if he was born in Hawaii with the entire board of directors of the hospital in the delivery room. HE STILL HAS TO SHOW THE WRITTEN, LEGAL PROOF OF BIRTH. And that is all I am demanding.

When I had to show proof to get my Kentucky DL, they were not accusing me of being illegal. And, if I had brought in a whole roomful of idiot pundits and politicians to say I was born in the US, the DL office still would have required proof.

Tell me Ann, what is it about the notion that the President should to meet the same standards as all of us proletariat serfs that makes us kooks?

Supposedly, America was different because our leaders were subjected to the same rule of law that we were. If that is not the case, then they are not our leaders or representatives......they are our rulers. And they are doing a damn good job of playing that part.

189 posted on 07/26/2009 5:45:58 PM PDT by ChildOfThe60s (If you can remember the weren't really there)
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To: MilspecRob

No she isn’t. Try looking in the mirror to see a kook.

This woman simply cares about her country and the rule of law (Constitution).

190 posted on 07/26/2009 5:47:43 PM PDT by TheBigIf
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To: Crazieman; All

“Are you stupid? Natural born means born on United States soil.”

No my intellectually challenged one, I am not....I’m not so sure about you. “Natural Born” does NOT mean simply to be born on U.S. soil. Otherwise the drafters of the constitution would not have to grandfather themselves in.

Would someone please explain to this individual the difference....a link please.

191 posted on 07/26/2009 6:41:00 PM PDT by Sola Veritas (Trying to speak truth - not always with the best grammar or spelling)
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To: Sola Veritas

Well in this person’s mind any foreign national would simply have to cross our borders and have children in order to gain access to the presidency.

The thought that anyone born within our borders would have this access is ridiculous and exactly why this issue needs to be made important and be heard by all three branches of government.

If this is the principle that we are going to get stuck with (that anyone born on our soil is eligible) then that is enough proof for me that this issue is extremely important to not lose.

Obama is NOT a natural born citizen.

192 posted on 07/26/2009 6:53:31 PM PDT by TheBigIf
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To: Crazieman

Wouldn’t his SS# also give some background?

193 posted on 07/26/2009 7:38:07 PM PDT by huldah1776 ( Worthy is the Lamb)
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To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Just a point sir. Yoh are talking about the '1948 British National Act.' Well, the fact of the matter is that Obama's father was an African Kenyan. In colonial Kenya, African and Indian Kenyans did not become British citizens. Up and until Independence African and Indian Kenyans could not even attend the same schools, and the national IDs they had (called Kipande) were very different.

I have tried to stay out of the colb debate, but as a person who was born and mostly raised in Kenya, just know whoever said Obama's father was a 'British citizen' under ANY law is either seriously misinformed, or lying to you. Mentioning that to people born at the time elicited laughter

194 posted on 07/26/2009 8:04:36 PM PDT by spetznaz (Nuclear-tipped Ballistic Missiles: The Ultimate Phallic Symbol)
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“A lot of Birthers are confusing absense of evidence with evidence of absense.”

I agree with your points but the fact of Hussein spending $1 million in preventing them being released is increasingly suspicious. Why do that? At the very least it could be something minor but embarrassing. At the very worst however, it is something that may prove that he is ineligible to hold the POTUS (or even a Senate seat). Given what he is trying to do to this country in terms of his hard left policies, I demand that he makes those documents public. I could care less if he got an F in Constitutional Law at Harvard. He is obviously proving that he failed it now.

195 posted on 07/26/2009 8:09:05 PM PDT by TMA62 (TMA62)
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To: SirJohnBarleycorn; marron
I would like SCOTUS to tell us what a "Natural Born Citizen" is. It's kinda nutty, but the Constitution demands that a President be one, but no one seems to know for sure what that is.

Obama owes me this, because I am getting in bar fights over at the VFW because of this issue, and his Magic Marxist Medical Plan doesn't cover me yet. OTOH, if having naked pictures of your mom on the internet; pictures taken by a genuine commie author, doesn't make one a Natural Born Citizen, just what the hell does?

196 posted on 07/26/2009 8:14:52 PM PDT by Kenny Bunk (Congratulations Obama Voters! You are not prejudiced. Just unpatriotic. And dumb.)
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To: Kenny Bunk

“I would like SCOTUS to tell us what a “Natural Born Citizen” is. It’s kinda nutty, but the Constitution demands that a President be one, but no one seems to know for sure what that is.”

Analysis from Bush solicitor general Ted Olson on the question:

197 posted on 07/26/2009 8:49:01 PM PDT by WOSG (Why is Obama trying to bankrupt America with $16 trillion in spending over the next 4 years?)
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To: TMA62

“A lot of Birthers are confusing absense of evidence with evidence of absense.”

“I agree with your points but the fact of Hussein spending $1 million in preventing them being released is increasingly suspicious. Why do that? “

Do people know this for a fact or are they just throwing out some line they read on the internet? I keep seeing it, but I doubt it’s true. Looking at one case filed in NewYork federal courts, the defendant’s are represented by US Attorney. These are DOJ employees doing the defending. IN OTHER WORDS TAXPAYERS ARE PAYING FOR IT, NOT OBAMA.

And I know for a fact Obama LOVES to waste Taxpayer money!!

198 posted on 07/26/2009 8:54:01 PM PDT by WOSG (Why is Obama trying to bankrupt America with $16 trillion in spending over the next 4 years?)
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To: deks
This is the actual COLB.One seal.
199 posted on 07/26/2009 8:56:40 PM PDT by WOSG (Why is Obama trying to bankrupt America with $16 trillion in spending over the next 4 years?)
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To: cynwoody
The father was also subject to US jurisdiction per the 14th, since he did not have diplomatic immunity. If he was obligated to pay his parking tickets, he was subject to the jurisdiction.

No, he wasn't. He was a nonresident alien. You'd have that idiot who stole a plane in Canada and headed into the US last year being somehow able to transmit US citizenship to his offspring because he was arrested in the United States. That is clearly not the meaning of "subject to the jurisdiction thereof." The 14th dealt with extending the rights and obigations of citizenship to a group of people who had been denied such, former slaves. It had no bearing, and cannot have any bearing, upon the meaning of the Constitutional term "natural-born citizen," let alone the eligibility requirements for the office of President.

200 posted on 07/26/2009 9:01:02 PM PDT by RegulatorCountry
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