Since one poster has mention the dehydration of Patients, I thought this might enlighten a few.
From: The Records of the United States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials
NOVEMBER 21, 1946-aUGUST 20, 1947 (National Archives- Washington D.C.)
Case I (medical case) 23 Defendants
Dr Brandt ran a hospital and worked on a prototype for the ovens of the Death Camps.. While developing the most efficient method of exterminating the “useless eaters” , found starvation to be inefficient. Due to the fact the nursing staff slipped food to the patients. Therefore, the SS was brought in to use lethal injection. the hospital was empty at the end of their stay. This provided Brandt with his opportunity to test his prototype of the Death Camp Ovens.
Dr Brandt ran a hospital and worked on a prototype for the ovens of the Death Camps.. While developing the most efficient method of exterminating the useless eaters , found starvation to be inefficient. Due to the fact the nursing staff slipped food to the patients. Therefore, the SS was brought in to use lethal injection. the hospital was empty at the end of their stay. This provided Brandt with his opportunity to test his prototype of the Death Camp Ovens.
Closer than we think.