The law in Massachusetts:
“Arrested in Massachusetts for Disorderly Conduct or Disturbing the Peace?
A disorderly person is defined as one who:
with purpose to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or
recklessly creates a risk thereof
engages in fighting or threatening, violent or tumultuous behavior, or
creates a hazard or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose.
Conviction for Disorderly conduct in MA can be punishable by imprisonment for up to 6 months.
Disturbing the peace also falls under Chapter 272, with similar penalties. Some Massachusetts towns also have specific ordinances relating to disturbing the peace. “
Note the words in the law “tumultuous”,etc. and the words in the police report.
Some facts that need to be amplified:
1. The second officer’s report corroborates Sgt. Crowley’s report. Gates was uncooperative from the getgo. Gates initially refused Sgt. Crowley’s lawful order to produce ID.
2. Sgt. Crowley had a report that TWO men were involved in the break in. He had to establish what the truth was, and whether Mr. Gates was a hostage or had a hostage.
3. Asking Mr. Gates to step outside would establish that Mr. Gates was not being threatened by the unseen second man, who whereabouts had not yet been established. It was also a safer venue for Sgt. Crowley and Officer Figueroa to conduct an investigation.
4. Despite repeated epithets thrown by Mr. Gates to Sgt. Crowley, there is no evidence that Sgt. Crowley responded in kind, did not act professionally, and did not follow procedure.
5. Sgt. Crowley established identity and attempted to leave.
6. Gates followed Crowley onto the porch as Crowley attempted to leave, screaming and yelling his racist diatribe.
7. Note statute above, as far as the elements involved in disturbing the peace.
8. Mr. Gates is now screaming in public. He is warned TWICE by Sgt. Crowley to desist or he will be put under arrest for disorderly conduct.
9. Mr. Gates made the choice to continue his harangue. Sgt. Crowley made the choice to enforce the law, after numerous attempts to defuse the situation.
10. Mr. Gates refused a total of three lawful orders from a policeman performing his lawful duties investigating a crime.Mr. Gates could have been an example, as a professor, of how to deal with authority, to the college community. Instead he chose to be a racist.
11. A Hispanic officer, a black officer, and Ms. Whalen,the original 911 caller, as well as other witnesses on the scene corroborate Sgt. Crowley’s story from their vantage point.
12. We have a racist President, with a chip on his shoulder, who should be nowhere near the Oval Office.
One more thing: this whole incident was deliberately blown up by Obama with a planted question, and an obviously rehearsed response. You can tell how alive he comes after being asked the question, which had nothing to do with healthcare. Obama WANTED to answer this question, because once again he uses his office to SIGNAL his true beliefs to America like the punk he is.
Obama is not stupid. He is trying to stir something up. He is a racist and an America hater. Of this, there can no longer be any doubt. Apparently he did hear Wright’s sermons over twenty years. It is breathtaking that a President would slander the police while saying he doesn’t have all of the facts, while not even acknowledging Gates obvious racial remarks.
You will see in coming days that this President will NOT apologize for being wrong. A punk can never admit he is wrong, for fear of diminishing his street cred. If Sgt. Crowley were black, we would never have heard of this incident.
Well, if he's trying to stir up blacks against the cops, he may be barking up the wrong tree. A friend sent a video out on her FB page this morning. It's an interesting take on what 'average' black people think about their 'elite' brethren. Check it out HERE