Many State workers have not been paid this month,.... You are wrong. State employees who are paid on the 17th of the month got full pay minus 3 days (July 1,2, and 3). Those paid later (the next week) will lose their pay for that period. MANY who are not paid from the General Fund will not lose any pay. I realize this does not help those who do lose pay, but the stand the legislators take against Gov. Spendell will be a blessing in the long run. His new hope of legalizing Video Poker machines is to pad the pockets of his ex Chief of Staff, who owns a company that will receive exclusive rights to market the machines in PA, which means Spendell and the Dems all get a kickback. Bite the bullet, like our Revolutionary forefathers did.
I saw a poll where the budget is being blamed on the Democrats 2:1. Good. Also, I think around 65% of people surveyed did not want their taxes raised. Good again. Still, Rendell is holding the State workers hostage in hope of pressuring the GOP Senate to accept the tax increase. I let my State Senator know that I will enthusiastically vote against him if he votes for one more nickel in taxes.
It appears that most of those who marched on the Capitol steps yesterday were SCIU members. Many of them work in health and welfare areas.
The President has stated that the new Federal Healthcare plan will reduce costs so that it can be funded. How many of us thought that meant reducing fraud, costs of tests,waste, etc. etc. as a means to that end.
Now I see well crafted TV, Billboards, radio spots and newspaper ads, paid for by SCIU ,urging a prompt resolution to this State budget impasse.
Are these budget problems in several states a smokescreen? Are they spearheading the reform?