Uh huh.
What is the draw to Romney? Is it the hair???
Stop trying to make Mitt Romney happen. (not to the OP but to the media)
PING! ;)
Once again: ignore horse race polls and articles. They gave us McInsane and ultimately Milhouse.
Well, if Romney can get through the Primary...but I plan on remaining true to my conservative roots at all costs this time.
Six months in, with the state run media providing cover like never before, and he is tied with Romney and only 6 point ahead of the “dead in the water, career is over” Sarah.
I can’t believe anyone is willing to admit that they were dumb enough to vote for Obama the first time. I especially can’t believe that anyone is willing to admit they are dumb enough to vote for him again.
He is below 50, that is good. 10% of people who voted for him the fist time don’t want to vote for him again. Republicans just need to offer a decent alternative (NOT MCCAIN)!
ROMNEY = Younger McCain
We need a real candidate!
The GOP is completely incompetent and has abandoned the base and very soul that this party once stood for. They can take a permanent vacation as far as I am concerned. Hell, they already have. Isn't it obvious?
A moderate will not get my vote. I don’t care how much people scream “but you’ll end up electing obama again”. If that’s the best the party can offer, then it deserves four more years of obama.
Both w/in the margin of error. This is excellent news for Palin who is “dead”. There is an opportunity to educate America about Socialism/communism coming.
Pray for America
Palin has no place to go but up — she’s already taken everything they can throw at her and is only now starting to really be able to fight back.
The fact that she’s within 6 of Obama even with all of that is what has the liberals in both parties scared.
As for Romney, he hasn’t even begun to see what the media would do to him should he be the nominee. In any event, I would never vote for Romney anyway. McCain was one matter — for all of his faults (which are legion), there is much to admire about him — but Romney is simply Bill Clinton without the impulse control issues.
This is quite useless to project so far in advance.
I smell another FR purge.
To many people are not getting it here. All this means is that Obama is weak and people are having buyer’s remorse after being sold a sack of $hit by the liberal media.
We'll see how it looks in 18 months. Other than that, if Romney ends up being the Republican nominee, the end of the Republican party is assured and Obama is guaranteed 4 more years in the White House.
FU Romney!
Who cares? The 2012 election is over three years away. Obama has plenty of time to make himself even more unpopular.