when is he going to realise that the election is over and now he should be running the country not on another money wasting popularity town hall meeting campaign.
A soldier is being held by the Taliban, debt, spending, people wanting to kill us and take this country into a Islamic state etc
etc and this idiot still wants to be in campaign mode..
Will he be taking his freeloaders with him too?
After all maybe the mother in law and cousin haven’t been to certain areas.
There again aren’t those in the rural areas supposed to be backwards, rednecks and racists.
Tea parties should break out at every one- boo ‘em down.
Hussein is the worst.
He is an empty suit.
Axeldink, Rahm and Plouffer have this joker in the palm of their hands.
He does what they tell him to do. He reads what they tell him to read.
Of course he goes along with it, and agrees with it, but he is not ANYWHERE near “smart” (if that is the word you want to use) enough to think about doing this crap. He is following orders, obeying the “experts” he has appointed. Of course, you never hear the media talk about Hussein’s “handlers” like you did with Bush....and the funny thing is, Hussein’s handlers undoubtedly have MUCH MORE SWAY than Bush’s.
At any rate, they’re probably overplaying their hand here.
One of the many things I think we need to be concerned about is the continued proliferation and use of the voter rolls to create “new” voters. 2010, with the supposed “increase” in urban populations, could see voter fraud on a scale that makes the 1960 Chicago area election look like a Sunday school lesson.
If Hussein, destroying the economy, is able to gain larger party majorities via fraud or any other way in 2010, the whole game is over. Get fitted for either shackles or jackboots, depending on which side you choose to take.
them there guys in Rural america are them there guys who built this here nation. Dome might not be the best schooled but they nose right frum rong and commies when they see em.
that BO best be puttin on his knife proof ear muffs. I thinks hes on the wrong side of a broke america.