On the whole, those in power got there by complying with the Constitution. Bodily throwing them out operates on the wrong side thereof - making them the more Constitutionally-adhering group. I know I’d be drawing the line at someone throwing out my Constitutionally-elected representatives (whom I happen to like as the good guys).
I still think the courts have been grossly under-utilized. File a gazillion suits challenging the Constitutiality of objectionable issues, and force the issues to SCOTUS. As is, we’ve been sitting on our asses hoping someone does that for us.
Bringing DC to a halt via huge crowds of disruptive bodies (A) legitimizes the then-”peaceful” Leftists, and (B) will get a whole lot of people killed, leaving the less aggressive to carry the flame.
The frustration is understandable. A wholesale attempt to bodily “throw the bums out” by installing President Hillary and unilaterally jettisoning amendments to the Constitution in no way could possibly work out well.
I think most of the damage done in the last century can be laid at the feet of the so-called progressive or populist movements that gave us the 16th and 17th amendments through which they illegally expanded the powers of the federal government and stole our individual wealth and treasure. Through these vehicles they introduced the income tax, the federal reserve, the Raw Deal, the Progressive Society, the Ruling Class, the professional Victim Class, the Nanny State, the Police State, the Welfare State, the Federal Behemoth, the Federal Beast, etc, etc, etc, and stole our Liberty and, apparently, even our will to resist their evil onslaught.
Our current society of brainwashed wimplings roll over for this tyranny on a daily basis. Prior generations (1700’s, 1800’s) of true red-blooded Americans would have rebelled long before it ever got to today’s totalitarianism!