I’m afraid you’re right. What I’m seeing more and more of here is treason in the works.
I would prefer a peaceful secession of the South, the Yankees and their Rino enablers aren't worth it. Let's go for a separation. We would have more luck petitioning state legeslatures IMO.
Yeah, darn that pesky piece of paper called the Constitution! Only traitors want to see it adhered to! Good comrades know it's just a piece of paper!
Treason? Is that what they're calling "petitioning for redress of greivances" these days?
Whatever happened to "Dissent is Patriotic"?
Treason? You call asserting our right of free assembly, and the demanding of redress of our grievances "treason"?
The Founders were guilty of far worse against the British Crown than what Jim Rob is advocating. He's not advocating anything that isn't already codified into our founding documents, and a part of our long traditions of citizen activism.
Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.