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To: Jim Robinson
Back just in time to read this and vote my approval for this message.
454 posted on
07/18/2009 1:29:30 PM PDT by
little jeremiah
(Aham Brahmasmi - I am eternal soul)
To: Jim Robinson
When will the “sheepols” wake up?
To: Jim Robinson
My name is pjhCPA and I approve this message.
460 posted on
07/18/2009 1:53:18 PM PDT by
(She's pretty, but where's the beef?)
To: Jim Robinson
A word to the wise here on FR. If you don’t have a passport, I suggest you get one.
461 posted on
07/18/2009 1:56:36 PM PDT by
(If you can remember the weren't really there)
To: Jim Robinson
Characteristics of Fascist PhilosophyFascism, especially in its early stages, is obliged to be antitheoretical and frankly opportunistic in order to appeal to many diverse groups. Nevertheless, a few key concepts are basic to it. First and most important is the glorification of the state and the total subordination of the individual to it. The state is defined as an organic whole into which individuals must be absorbed for their own and the state's benefit. This "total state" is absolute in its methods and unlimited by law in its control and direction of its citizens. A second ruling concept of fascism is embodied in the theory of social Darwinism. The doctrine of survival of the fittest and the necessity of struggle for life is applied by fascists to the life of a nation-state. Peaceful, complacent nations are seen as doomed to fall before more dynamic ones, making struggle and aggressive militarism a leading characteristic of the fascist state. Imperialism is the logical outcome of this dogma. Fascism... Another element of fascism is its elitism. Salvation from rule by the mob and the destruction of the existing social order can be effected only by an authoritarian leader who embodies the highest ideals of the nation. This concept of the leader as hero or superman, borrowed in part from the romanticism of Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (frē`drĭkh vĭl`hĕlm nē`chə), 18441900, German philosopher, b. To all the Obama voters........are you happy now.
467 posted on
07/18/2009 2:23:03 PM PDT by
To: Jim Robinson
In related news, 0bama recently selected a church:
To: Jim Robinson
I approve of and applaud this message!!! Thank you Mr. Jim Robinson.
473 posted on
07/18/2009 3:00:20 PM PDT by
(Thank you to our military & veterans, with love & gratitude. XOXOXO)
To: Jim Robinson
Go Wolverines !
where do we fall in
477 posted on
07/18/2009 3:57:59 PM PDT by
KTM rider
( revolution is the only thing that can save us now)
To: Jim Robinson
I also approve of Mr. Robinson’s message.
The rest of my comment is in my tagline.
479 posted on
07/18/2009 4:02:44 PM PDT by
(Ping me when the revolution starts.)
To: Jim Robinson
482 posted on
07/18/2009 4:23:00 PM PDT by
(Once a Marine, always a Marine - Semper Fi)
To: Jim Robinson
495 posted on
07/18/2009 7:00:47 PM PDT by
Blood of Tyrants
(Socialism is the belief that most people are better off if everyone was equally poor and miserable.)
To: Jim Robinson; All
Regarding Obamacare:
We’ve all read comments by Obama (the one-TERMER) that the nation is spending too many health care dollars keeping the elderly alive for the last year of life. Nowhere have I seen in any news media the question asked - how will the “last year of life” be determined?
What happens if the government decides the “last year of life” is to be decided by life expectancy? The average life expectancy for all Americans is 76.5 years. Will medical care be cut off at 75.5?
For American men the national average is 73.6, so I guess their care would end at 72.6. And the black community may want to question a health care system that could potentially cut off care for African American men at age 65.1, since their life expectancy is 66.1 years.
I don’t expect we’ll be hearing these questions asked by the talking heads in the MSM any time soon.
498 posted on
07/18/2009 7:41:22 PM PDT by
(Jim Thompson made me do it!)
To: Jim Robinson
502 posted on
07/18/2009 8:20:06 PM PDT by
(John Galt was exiled.)
To: Travis McGee
CWII ping if I ever saw one.
503 posted on
07/18/2009 8:20:52 PM PDT by
(John Galt was exiled.)
To: Jim Robinson
504 posted on
07/18/2009 8:58:35 PM PDT by
( Typical White Guy: Christian, Constitutionalist, Heterosexual, Redneck. (Let them eat arugula!))
To: Jim Robinson
I could not have said it any better myself. Thank you.
To: Jim Robinson
514 posted on
07/19/2009 8:00:43 AM PDT by
Grampa Dave
(Does Zer0 have any friends, who are not criminals, foreign/domestic terrorists, or tax cheats?)
To: Jim Robinson
I’m CMS and I also approve of this message.
524 posted on
07/19/2009 4:10:47 PM PDT by
( obama pres & dem majority----RIP United States of America 1776-2008 It was great while it lasted.)
To: Jim Robinson
525 posted on
07/19/2009 6:16:31 PM PDT by
((Pray for ALL our troops))
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