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To: Jim Robinson
Beautiful JR, you Rock!
Pray for America and Jim Robinson
332 posted on
07/18/2009 5:08:13 AM PDT by
(The messiah has no robe)
To: Jim Robinson
My name is blueyon and I approve of this message
333 posted on
07/18/2009 5:10:50 AM PDT by
(It is worth taking a stand even if you are standing alone!)
To: Jim Robinson
if this passes, we all have NO health care because we are handing our health care to the insane government.
To: Jim Robinson
BUT: Outlawing private insurance, WOULD reduce the demand for medical services, and push costs way down. If everyone had to pay ALL their medical costs themselves, they WOULD shop around, just like they do now for auto repairs, and they would not approve spending on frivolous tests, any more than they would for silly accessories for their own car. Inside 2 years, hospital, MRI and other tests, and physician prices wold be in the BASEMENT.
To: Jim Robinson
Rebellion is brewing! I am TheRightGuy and you can count me in.
346 posted on
07/18/2009 6:07:29 AM PDT by
(I want MY BAILOUT ... a billion or two should do!)
To: Jim Robinson
a declaration of warNo no no! Everything is FINE! Obama is our Savior, and he is going to make me feel GOOD about my lesbian debauchery. Isn't life grand?
To: Jim Robinson
Obama’s spending policy has turned into a black hole, sucking away everything we have.
356 posted on
07/18/2009 6:28:43 AM PDT by
F.J. Mitchell
( Even the left knows Sarah Palin is right for 2012.)
To: Jim Robinson
Yea buddy, I’m with ya. United we stand divided we fall.
359 posted on
07/18/2009 6:36:56 AM PDT by
(He who hesitates is lost.)
To: Jim Robinson
BravoZulu Sir!!! there's an old saying "You have to pick your battles."
well... if they don't pick this one, right now AND WIN,
we're finished.
360 posted on
07/18/2009 6:41:56 AM PDT by
(American Hedonist - I AM JIM THOMPSON!)
To: Jim Robinson
361 posted on
07/18/2009 6:42:51 AM PDT by
(American Hedonist - I AM JIM THOMPSON!)
To: Jim Robinson
Support your local militia.
To: Jim Robinson
Hear Hear!!! Bravo!!!
Ready for the battle.
To: Jim Robinson
375 posted on
07/18/2009 7:05:21 AM PDT by
To: Jim Robinson
376 posted on
07/18/2009 7:05:56 AM PDT by
(Obama is making me ill....)
To: Jim Robinson
If this "health care" bill is passed, it will be an early death and misery sentence for all you Freepers over 70 (like me).
No hip replacements, no knee replacements, no MRI or ultrasound to screen for heart problems or neurological problems, no x-ray' blood work for chemical balances or deficiencies..... will be DIE you worthless old geezers....we can't afford you....
381 posted on
07/18/2009 7:10:46 AM PDT by
B.O. Plenty
(Give war a chance...)
To: Jim Robinson; SierraWasp; tubebender; Ernest_at_the_Beach; NormsRevenge
At age 70, I'm having my cataracts removed and something will be done to my left knee.
If Obamacare comes, his manager for seniors, Kirvorkian, will say no to anything we need medical wise.
382 posted on
07/18/2009 7:11:25 AM PDT by
Grampa Dave
(Does Zer0 have any friends, who are not criminals, foreign/domestic terrorists, or tax cheats?)
To: Jim Robinson
It’s clear what you oppose, Jim; but what-exactly-are you advocating ?
To: Jim Robinson
Dittos from Liberal Seattle, I couldn’t have said it any better!
390 posted on
07/18/2009 8:01:59 AM PDT by
(Palin for President, 2012)
To: Jim Robinson
Some things will never change.
We MUST to stand together, or assuredly the Socialist/Leftists aggressors will hang us all separately.
391 posted on
07/18/2009 8:13:16 AM PDT by
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