To: The Sons of Liberty
“0bama will have manufactured fake birth records that wont be able to be challenged.”
This is my fear too. He has access to lots more sources (think counterfeiters), money to burn (thanks Soros), and the time to have had perfect forgeries made.
266 posted on
07/17/2009 8:05:34 AM PDT by
To: Humal
"...and the time to have had perfect forgeries made." There's no such thing. Some are better than others, but none are perfect.
281 posted on
07/17/2009 8:16:03 AM PDT by
Joe 6-pack
(Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
To: Humal
Of, for Pete's sake -- if there was a problem with his birth certificate, Obama's people have
already had plenty of time to fake one up.
Birthers remind me of the crackpots who think that Neil Armstrong took one small step onto a studio in the Nevada desert.
289 posted on
07/17/2009 8:21:04 AM PDT by
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