Even if we were to concede that GWB “fought” terrorists effectively, he left his political house in such disorder that socialism seemed the replacement choice to a majority of his “fellow Americans”.
The political argument you take is sheer nonsense as well. The leftist media lied incessantly about Bush, about the war, about our military, about the economy and forced his approval down with their lies. The Republicans, wanting to be popular boys, stayed away from the "unpopular" one, and also abandoned our troops in battle. The media lied through their teeth about Obama, slobbered all over him and covered his campaign entirely postively. Our culture and leftist educational systems have created a white guilt that caused a lot of the voters to want to be cool and vote for the first black President. McCain ran a stinky campaign and was a weak candidate. And there was a Democrat created economic crash that everyone stupidly blamed on the President.
Blaming George W. Bush for socialism is ludicrous. You have to ignore 95% of the facts to believe as you do.
Well, 6 months later, many are regretting that mistake in judgment. If they'd had the facts about just who brought on the mortgage crisis, they might have thought twice, but the MSM never revealed that; still hasn't, to this day.