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Those that are fed up with the American media and why ^ | 7/7/09 | Blake YountGo to Blake's Home Page

Posted on 07/07/2009 9:01:38 PM PDT by DirtyHarryY2K

The king of pop, Michael Jackson, was laid to rest today. Every media outlet, the Communist News Network, the All Barack Channel, the Fe aux News Network, the Couric Buffoon Series, and the Never Been Credible news channels have taken the death of this troubled man and turned it into a circus.

This particular circus has served to distract us from North Korea launching missiles in every direction, the Chinese murdering people in the streets, the Iranians crushing their people with an iron fist, our President and Vice President contradicting each other on foreign policy, cap and trade being shoved down our throats, the E.P.A. covering up scientific evidence that man made climate change is a political hoax, our men and women dying in Afghanistan, and on, and on, and on.

Our media has relentlessly analyzed the death of a tragic man and turned it into a race issue while simultaneously deifying the worst role model ever produced by the American culture. Meanwhile, the rest of the world has pressed forward by further destabilizing, and our politicians have pressed forward by further undermining our economic system. Did anyone hear about the upcoming second stimulus bill? Now, did anyone hear what drugs Michael Jackson may have been hooked on in his final days, what he was doing in his final moments, or what the wretched Al Sharpton had to say at Michael Jackson's memorial service today? HM, seems our priorities are a tad askew.

The aforementioned sickening state of the information suppressing, manure dispensing media has sparked somewhat of a backlash from those that long for something more than a lap-dog, ambulance chasing mentality from those that are supposed to be the people's watch dog. Yes, Sarah Palin, Peter King, Chip Reid, and unbelievably, Helen Thomas are striking back at our celebrity culture.

First, Chip Reid and Helen Thomas. Last week, President Obama was holding a "town hall" on the issue of health care. Chip Reid asked White House Spokesman, Robert Gibbs why the town hall forum had been turned into a staged Q&A segment for President Obama. He noted that this town hall seemed "very tightly controlled", and that town halls were supposed to be "an open public forum." Also, Chip Reed was upset by the "very tightly controlled list of questions" that were to be asked of the President and his health care plan. Chip and Robert went back and forth, almost debating what "openness" really means for a few minutes. Robert Gibbs was just about to put the Orwellian White House spin on things when the almost 90 year old, intensely liberal, Helen Thomas began to command the briefing room.

She said, "'re trying to control (the media), we have never had that in the White House." Gibbs giggled and tried to mow over the top of Helen Thomas. She then chided, "I'm amazed, at you people who call for openness and transparency, that you control..." Then the three of them batted this thing around for awhile, and none were satisfied in the end. Oh wait, Gibbs did suggest that they have this conversation at a later date, but the ornery Helen Thomas told him, "No, we're having it now, it's a pattern. You are controlling the press."

For Helen Thomas, the same lady that often took George W. Bush to task, to attack this administration in this way, is simply the product of being sick to death of information manipulation, and the outright propaganda being perpetrated upon the people of the United States of America.

Next we have Republican Congressman from New York, Peter King and his expression of outrage at the way the media has fallen down on the job in light of the death of Michael Jackson. He said that the media has "disgraced itself" by glorifying a "pervert like Michael Jackson." He announced the idea that we should be glorifying "men and women in the armed forces, policemen, fire fighters, teachers in rough neighborhoods, people that volunteer to work with dying cancer patients.." In his announcement, he posed two interesting questions, "would you let your kids or grand kids alone with Michael Jackson?", and "what does this (hysteria over Michael Jackson) say about our country?"

Pete King only said what many Americans are thinking. To remember Michael Jackson for his talents is one thing, but to justify his life, eschew all other important events, and to obsess over his death for weeks is truly an American Media tragedy. We haven't heard a Republican politician get down in the dirt of it all and call the insidious mainstream press out for what it is since, why, since Sarah Palin.

The same media that is in love with Michael Jackson who systematically destroyed his own talents, altered his own appearance, and eventually killed himself through drug abuse, absolutely assassinated Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin who, rose from the PTA to Vice Presidential Candidate, all with an unscathed record and a large family to boot, was the target of more vile criticism and outright personal attacks than any public figure ever has been, and may ever be again. Upon the announcement of her Vice Presidential nomination, the press swarmed Alaska, attacked Sarah's children, mocked her less-than-ivy-league-education, impugned her intelligence, despised her accent, and deplored her decision not to abort her mentally challenged son, Trig.

Why would the supposedly tolerant left in our media set out to destroy Sarah Palin? After all, she is everything they preach. A strong, successful woman. She was the "little guy" that proved to the world that in this country, anything is possible. Sarah Palin "upset the establishment" on her meteoric rise to prominence. All the while she raised children and maintained a marriage. All these things the left claims to stand for, they despised in Sarah Palin. Aside from just claiming to connect with the American mainstream, she actually did, and does.

Sarah Palin is not much appreciated in good ole' Republican circles either. John McCain was next in line for the Republican nomination, and he secured that bid as every other contender was undercut and undermined by the party leadership. His campaign was floundering and he knew he needed to make a big splash, so he turned to Alaska and found Sarah Palin. Much to McCain's chagrin, Sarah Palin exposed him for the limp wrist-ed, blue fisted, country club Republican that he really is. She became the people's choice for President, while John McCain and his spineless political career faded to the background, and he lost to some slogan heavy candidate from a law school in Chicago.

Now, Sarah Palin has resigned as Governor of Alaska and she will no doubt take her establishment rocking, elitist mocking agenda to the national stage. She needs to raise money to pay for the not less than 15 erroneous and outright frivolous and baseless ethics investigations she has had to endure since becoming America's bastion of reality. The personal cost to her and her family has been not less than half a million dollars, and that's just the financial aspect of it all. The media has manipulated and edited her public perception into that of uneducated, backward, and stupid.

The media had better find something that actually sticks, or they are in for a world of hurt. As more people catch on to their game of attempting to keep us ignorant and misinformed, they will continue to lose credibility. If this media loses credibility, so does the entire liberal agenda.

The double standard in the media is hideous. Barack Obama does dealings with a felon (Tony Rezko), is politically mentored by a proud terrorist (Bill Ayers), is steeped in 20 years of the racist preachings of Jeremiah Wright, and the media pursues nothing. Sarah Palin is edited to sound like a fool in an interview with Katie Couric, and the media pounces. Barney Frank can run a homosexual prostitution ring out of his apartment, while railroading our housing market through felonious dealings with government agencies, and his credibility is never questioned. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin has to defend her accent and her proclivity toward sports analogies.

The disgusting coverage of the death of Michael Jackson, and the pathetic fawning over a President that is bypassing our constitution and overrunning our ideals has indeed sparked a backlash against the American media. The media's credibility is wavering, and therefore the liberal agenda is also on the ropes. This nation may be on the cusp of something wonderful. Perhaps a return to conservative values, conservative philosophy, and the American way of life (reason and enlightenment), is just around the corner.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: breadandcircuses; culturalmeltdown; decline; dumbdown; enemedia; katietheclown; liberalmedia; mediabias; michaeljackson; moralabsolutes; msm
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1 posted on 07/07/2009 9:01:38 PM PDT by DirtyHarryY2K
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

It’s not going to stop until it’s made to stop, The lunatics are running the asylum.

This country is on the fast track to becoming a nation of degenerate reprobates with no integrity, honor, pride or shame.

2 posted on 07/07/2009 9:05:32 PM PDT by DirtyHarryY2K (The Tree of Liberty is long overdue for its natural manure)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

Can’t add a thing to that, and well said.

Helen Thomas really surprised me tho. I know she often ‘got’ W, but she really is starting to awaken to what’s happening.

They will just shrug it off as “she’s old”, maybe ‘force’ her to retire, or God forbid we’ll hear about the ‘passing’ of such a legend.

These are interesting times.

3 posted on 07/07/2009 9:07:01 PM PDT by Shadowstrike (Be polite, Be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K
She said, "'re trying to control (the media), we have never had that in the White House." Gibbs giggled and tried to mow over the top of Helen Thomas. She then chided, "I'm amazed, at you people who call for openness and transparency, that you control..." Then the three of them batted this thing around for awhile, and none were satisfied in the end. Oh wait, Gibbs did suggest that they have this conversation at a later date, but the ornery Helen Thomas told him, "No, we're having it now, it's a pattern. You are controlling the press."

Gibbs proved her accusation.

4 posted on 07/07/2009 9:15:59 PM PDT by TigersEye (0bama: "I can see Mecca from the WH portico." --- Google - Cloward-Piven Strategy)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K
I get my news from talk radio, Christian radio, and Drudge links.
5 posted on 07/07/2009 9:17:00 PM PDT by Ciexyz (Color me red, white and blue - I attended a tea party on July 4th.)
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To: Ciexyz

And !!!

6 posted on 07/07/2009 9:20:20 PM PDT by DirtyHarryY2K (The Tree of Liberty is long overdue for its natural manure)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K
At what point, seriously my fellow Americans, does it cross over from being a problem of the MEDIA, into an endemic problem with THE CULTURE and THE REPUBLIC (as we are coming to know it).

I believe popular media and popular culture are rather symbiotic, and feed off each other--they almost mirror each other and energize each other. It is also a simple issue of 需要と供給 (supply and demand). US TV Networks in the 1970s dropped extensive, educative moon mission coverage/pre-empts/live remotes sometime around or after Apollo 14, because (even though the missions were getting so much more exciting and into science), Joe Sixpack had had enough and was bored and simply wanted to turn the channel. America wants to turn the channel. They want to turn it from one of being an informed, active, patriotic, sober citizenry, engaged and intelligent on matters of wide importance and variety--and turn "Beavis and Butthead". They want to turn it from reponsibility and depth to the sweet mental opium of insular, carefree fantasy where thinking is unecessary. It is probably going to get a lot worse than this. Our enemies abroad, many of them with 2,000, or 3,000 years of history to their own names, will be able to predictively read us and our inner, rotting core better than many of us can.

As always, the Americans may well be the last on the block to know. And how appropriate for us to have this Barack Hussein Obama, and pied piper, to lead us all as a nation over this cliff and into the abyss?

7 posted on 07/07/2009 9:23:57 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (A nation obsessing on a dead serial child molester-at a time when it faces nuke war-has "issues")
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

And these MSM elitists can’t understand why their ratings are plummeting and their circulations are falling.

Exihibit A: The coverage of Michael Jackson

8 posted on 07/07/2009 9:29:37 PM PDT by TMA62 (TMA62)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

You’re right my FRiend. We’re past the tipping point. People better wake up.

9 posted on 07/07/2009 9:32:03 PM PDT by DirtyHarryY2K (The Tree of Liberty is long overdue for its natural manure)
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To: TMA62

I’d be willing to bet the Michael Jackson thing got great ratings..

10 posted on 07/07/2009 9:35:00 PM PDT by montanajoe
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

Right on.

11 posted on 07/07/2009 9:35:25 PM PDT by Tzimisce (No thanks. We have enough government already. - The Tick)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

They don’t REPORT the news, they CONTROL and DISTORT the news.

12 posted on 07/07/2009 9:37:33 PM PDT by smokingfrog ( Don't mess with the mockingbird! /\/\
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

The enemedia needs to take note of the fate of Julius Streicher, the ardent promoter of naziism who grew so extreme that even Hitler fired him. Yet, he laid so much of the philisophical foundation for that sorry regime that Nuremberg refused to spare his life.
13 posted on 07/07/2009 9:41:09 PM PDT by Vigilanteman (Are there any men left in Washington? Or, are there only cowards? Ahmad Shah Massoud)
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To: smokingfrog

Yup, “we distort, fabricate, and ignore, you decide.”

14 posted on 07/07/2009 9:46:24 PM PDT by HerrBlucher
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

I’m fed up with the broadcast and paper media in this country.

For the past several weeks my local paper The Montgomery Advertiser has been pushing a far left agenda.

They’ve had op-eds calling for reductions in military spending to which the money could be “better served” bailing out people trapped in adjustable rate mortgages, and providing healthcare, etc.

Then on July 3rd they had one that slammed the right and it’s extremist factions.

Today they had one telling people to ignore the fearmongering of the right when it comes to healthcare.

It’s been non-stop and those few conservatives who are lucky enough to get their short letter to the editor published find that at least a third of what they said was cut out.

The paper has blocked me from submitting letters to the editor online, and they flat out ignore all of the other submissions I’ve sent in They refused to post my counterpoint (which is at the bottom of my profile BTW) to Steven Cobbel’s Op-Ed “GOP, Blue Dogs hypocritical on defense” (May 21, 2009). Yet they allow anyone to post an Op-Ed as long as it suits their agenda.

15 posted on 07/07/2009 9:58:50 PM PDT by 2CAVTrooper (For those who have had to fight for it, freedom has a flavor the protected shall never know.)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

Even Dennis Miller (a relatively mainstream and middle of the road figure) is now calling out CNN as being on par with Pravda when it comes to truthfulness and objectivity (imagine what he might say if he viewed CNN Internationale, the farther Left incarnation of CNN).

16 posted on 07/07/2009 10:00:56 PM PDT by a fool in paradise (There is no truth in the Pravda Media.)
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To: Vigilanteman
The enemedia needs to take note of the fate of Julius Streicher, the ardent promoter of naziism who grew so extreme that even Hitler fired him.

The mention of Streicher reminds me of something I read today that's just incredible. According to Debbie Schlussel's blog, MJ's kids are Jews. Apparently their (alleged?) mother is Jewish as is the (alleged?) actual sperm donor, Dr. Arnold Klein.

Didja get that, Jermaine?

Debbie Schlussel


Send treats to the troops...
Great because you did it!

17 posted on 07/07/2009 10:10:39 PM PDT by JCG
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To: a fool in paradise

I can’t figure how they put up with Lou Dobbs over there at CNN.. He does a good job on the amnesty sham.

18 posted on 07/07/2009 10:12:23 PM PDT by DirtyHarryY2K (The Tree of Liberty is long overdue for its natural manure)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

Excellent article, thanks.

19 posted on 07/07/2009 10:16:45 PM PDT by blam
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To: AmericanInTokyo
Once upon a time, some people were given the freedom to be individuals rather than property. At first they liked it and enjoyed it. But, it was hard work and the lazy and undisciplined soon learned how to mooch from those who did work hard. Eventually, there were more moochers than workers and the moochers were able to take over the police power of the state. Then, they crushed the workers until there were very few workers left and everyone was poor. Well, almost everyone. The elite 5% stayed behind the curtain and hid their money off shore so when the free society collapsed, they could harvest the pieces and preserve themselves while the other 95% wallowed in poverty.
20 posted on 07/07/2009 10:18:04 PM PDT by April Lexington (Study the constitution so you know what they are taking away!)
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