Some of these posts are comical. Do you actually have reading comprehension, or do you exist solely on Reuters-provided capsulizations of the news?
Nowhere does the pope call for a one world government. He’s calling for someone to effing clean up the mess because developed economies are currently in an embrace of death, i.e., there’s nothing one country can do to resolve it without gravely harming another, and that harm ultimately trickles down disporportionately to poorer nations that will get cut out of assistance when TSHTF. It’s going to require a central authority that can coordinate and get the system back to a point where countries like the United States can’t be at the mercy of, say, CHINA, who owns more of our treasuries than any other entity on earth. How do you like having the Chinese with a loaded weapon at our head because of the complete breakdown of oversight across the globe? Do you like the fact that, collectively, the world could destroy our economy in a heartbeat by flooding the markets with our treasuries and driving interest rates through the roof?
For all the fear and misinformation being spread (willingly) about this encyclical (and at the bidding of outfits like Reuters!), I find it incredible that no one here sees the irony in flying into an outrage over an encyclical from Rome suggesting the economic crisis is too big for one nation or a handful of nations to resolve independently, while our own gov’t factually sells out our sovereignty, nullifies the Monroe Doctrine, and thinks the right solution to the economic crisis is government control of all vital services.
Frankly, the way things are going, we might be begging for outside help with the destruction of our Constitution in full swing.
See my post above. He calls for "The articulation of political authority at the local, national and international levels is one of the best ways of giving direction to the process of economic globalization."
Not just at the national level but at the local levels.
Someone is coming who will "clean up the mess" as you have said, his name is the Antichrist and the pope is basically helping set the stage for his arrival on the world scene as the "white knight" who will "clean up the money mess" with a whole new way of doing business/buying and selling: nothing without the mark of the Beast.
The pope is baciaclly saying: "We need him!"
Like I said, the pope needs to read his Bible. If he did, this whould be the last thing in the world he would be pushing for and advocating!