Detectives say 83-year-old Nathan Snyder was driving to Palms of Pasadena Hospital when he reportedly cut off a motorcycle as he was driving along Pasadena Avenue.
It,s about time for mandatory driver testing maybe it should start at age 53.
This can’t possibly be the first Florida driver that Hall has come across.
Just what we need. More nanny government telling you what you can and can’t do.
By the way there sonny! How old are you?
53 is old?
So you’re what? 15? 20? 30?
I’d be interested to find out what you think when you hit your 50 mark.
Unless, of course, you don’t plan on getting older.
I think it should be every three or four years from day one.
lots of addicts, and people who develop medical problems of which they are unaware out there.
25, 35 or 75 makes no difference.
Since you will have so many restrictions on your life, courtesy of Obummer, the Fascist, by the time you are 80, I would suggest that you not beg for more.
I always tell my family and friends that if you think that other driver is going to look out for you, you are doomed.
The guy behind you just got chewed out by his boss. He is upset as hell and going over it time after time in his mind. You are very likely to get rear ended.
That guy coming to the stop sign up ahead just learned his kid got killed in Afghanistan. Do you really think his number one priority is looking after you?
So many people on the road have real heart rending personal problems that you have to look out for them.
OK by me, but I'd start the testing at 17.