That’s right.
If Sarah Palin couldn’t beat 0bama in 2008 as a Republican, how could she beat him in 2012 while splitting the vote with a Republican?
There just aren’t enough votes out there for her to make up the difference. There aren’t even enough Palin supporters out there to outnumber 0bama supporters at the polls.
The idea is a non-starter. Instead, the GOP needs to field a strong candidate and get a unified message. All the intra-party divisions Sarah Palin and her supporters are creating only helps 0bama win reelection.
I’m not even sure Palin is really on our side. I think she is here to sabotage the GOP, create division, and help 0bama win. Her 2008 implosion was very convenient for 0bama, don’t you think? Interesting that she went to college in Hawaii, too... she must have met 0bama there and hatched a nefarious plot to make him Dictator for life. All if going according to plan. They now enter Phase II...
She was only there for a Semestre, let’s not get crazy please.
Are you writing from an asylum....?????
Dude, step away from the crackpipe!
Pretty sure Palin went to the U of Idaho, not anywhere in HI.