So how would a 49 star flag look anyway?
Of course our defenses (star wars) are inadequate to protect Hawaii or Alaska or anybody else from N.Korea gone mad.
Zero’s Marxist predecessors have managed to slow its development down over the years and HE WANTS missile defense ENDED ANYWAY.
It’s another version of what the Dems like to call “The Securing of America” under their madness. Similar to the Cap and Tax us into oblivion economically and “security” act that 244 House Dems and 8 Traitor Repubs just passed.....ironically on the same day Michael We are the World Jackson died.
Obama has no intention of defending the United States against any enemy - foreign or domestic.
Seriesly. Nobody truly believes North Korea will fire a missile upon Hawaii.
I know, I know, I know. Nobody truly believed Hitler would invade Poland or Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor but, c'mon, those countries actually had war-making capabilities.
Kim Jung Mentally-Il has no such capabilities. He has one bullet. Ubama would HAVE to respond overwhelmingly.
Anybody with me?
Obama Wan Nairobi strikes again!
The Coward in Chief couldn’t defend his daughter’s swingset from neighborhood bullies.
If the PRK manages to convert the beautiful Hawaiian Islands into mounds of glowing green glass, then the COLB argument becomes moot.
Would you defend Hawaii? What better way to hide the evidence?
Kenyans take note. You better hide your evidence, or there could be a similar “accident” in your vicinity.
“Justification for the cuts was led by Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher, California Democrat, who is the newly confirmed undersecretary of state for arms control and international security. Ms. Tauscher will play a major role in missile-defense policy.”
Send in the clowns
Barrack Hussein Obama = The Neville Chamberlain of our time!
The list, ping
Has Pres—ent Ubama ordered the Concern-O-Meter to Level Mauve yet?
That isn't to say they couldn't hit Hawaii if they got lucky, managed to squeeze another 10% out of a maximum range that is already mostly speculation, or...or if they got help. Not from the Iranians, who rival them in terms of incompetence, but from the Chinese or Russians, for whom this is a long-stolen technology.
Our own technology is also being hindered by political incompetence of the first order; fortunately it's advanced enough as it is to perhaps survive four years of Idiocy On The Potomac. It will NOT knock out a ballistic missile plummeting at Mach 23.
So the issue is, whose incompetence will triumph? Here's a clue:
The Obama administration's hostility to missile defense is inexplicable.
Not in the least inexplicable. They're caught in a particularly stupid posture that everything without exception that their predecessor did was wrong, and have adjusted their efforts in the two areas of their own supreme incompetence - defense and foreign policy - to reflect a child's fantasy that the opposite of an imaginary boogie-man isn't a real one. But he is, real.
Our best hope is that Kimmie is more incompetent than 0bama, which is a tall order but I think he can do it. We've come a long way from the time that "simpleton" Reagan ended the arms race by winning it.
Anyone who believes Obama will defend America has poi for brains anyway.
Scares the hell out of me! My son is moving to Hawaii to his new Navy base on July 3. Just the threat of a missle strike on Hawaii should have been meet with an extreme response, a “go ahead make my day” response. I will hold Obama and the Obamabots resposible.
If the New York Times had published a similar article during the previous administration, I would be angry — upset about it spilling yet another Gov’t secret.
But this is the equivalent of pulling O’s pants down, and he needs it bigtime. How many times has he talked of shutting off money for ‘advanced weapons systems that don’t work’? How have the Dems in Congress railed against defense spending when the money could be ‘better spent in this country, providing healthcare for the poor’??
Your mouth is bigger than your a**hole, and you’ve been exposed, Obama. NOBODY WITH EVEN HALF A BRAIN BELIEVES A WORD YOU SAY!
I suppose your dad can beat up my dad, too, eh?
Keep talking...
Gates is O’s tool.
Obama looks on an attack by Korea as an ally coming to the rescue to help him in his attack on the American way of life.