Pat is showing the bottom of his shoe to a most deserving candidate.
I loved this part of his writing:
"And consider. If, by the end of his first term, Barack Obama were proven to have been an illegitimate president, history might just hold him accountable for:
* dismantling America's free markets
* taxing the higher-earning middle class into despondency
* spending and taxing the nation into bankruptcy
* imposing socialistic, government-run health care
* granting amnesty to multiplied millions of illegal aliens
* seriously weakening our military and encouraging our enemies
* enacting crippling and fraudulent "global warming" laws
* promoting abortion and same-sex "marriage" into permanent legitimacy
* throttling religious speech with phony "hate crimes" legislation
And he wouldn't have been legally entitled to be president at all! "
Way to go Pat....GREAT TAKE ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE! We need to start a nationwide HUNT!!! Sort of a 'find wally' kind of thing. 'The Great American Presidential Birth Certificate Hunt!'